View Full Version : [DIY] Installing Euro Grill.

02-06-2008, 04:34 PM
Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Hey guys, there were some inquiries about the installation of the grill for the Euro so thought I'll do a write up :)
This is my first write up so let me know how it is :) I quite enjoyed doing it!

Aim:To remove and install your grill.

TOOLS: Flathead screwdriver.

1. Rightio, First we need to remove the radiator cover. There are 12 clips which hold it in place with 5 of the front clips connecting to the grill. Remove these clips with caution as they do tend to snap especially with age. I recommend using a small flathead screwdriver.

2. The next step is to remove the 4 clips which is located under the grill. I was surprised to find that there is quite alot of room to work with despite what others on the forum has said, the removal of your bumper is definitely not needed. I found these clips just as easy to remove as the clips on the radiator cover.

Using a shorter screwdriver will help.

3. After you've removed the 4 clips push the grill out towards you as it is also held in by these metal guides.

And here it is out.

4. Next align the grill with the metal brackets and slide it in, it should take none to little force to get it in place. Check that the gaps are evenly distributed. The last thing you want is to remove the clips again :p When you're happy with how the grill sits insert the 4 clips back on the bottom of the grill.

5. Put the radiator cover back on, I found that it is easier to lift the bonnet release when attempting to get it in place. Align the radiator cover with the holes on the body and snap all the clips back on.

6. TADA! you've officially installed your grill :D Here are some shots of mine! Don't point out that i'm missing my H, because i know :]

Hope this comes in handy :)
If anyone from Melbourne still isn't confident I am more than happy to lend a hand.

02-06-2008, 04:40 PM
thanks for the write up....might get u to do mine when i get my grill....

02-06-2008, 04:45 PM
You should include the guide on removing the H from the original grill as well :P Nice guide tho :)

02-06-2008, 04:52 PM
^ nah i broke my original one trying to get it off :p
I was too hasty.

02-06-2008, 05:01 PM
Nice write up! I can't afford to afford a Euro grill, and thus was wondering if i can just separate the [H] from the ugly chrome bits and keep the [H] positioned as it is?

02-06-2008, 05:19 PM
your clips must have been fresh, because mine were an absolute bitch to remove. I'm going to have to take it off as its crooked and I'm gonna change my foggies anyway.

nice writeup.

02-06-2008, 05:54 PM
you made it looks so easy. I broke the 2 clips out of the 4 last clips, they are just too hard to undo LOL (but this was on 03 model, so new model could probably be much easier)

02-06-2008, 06:34 PM
Let's just hope that with the new model being released in a matter of weeks, it is this easy to remove the big grille on that with something sporty. Large chromy grilles just don't do it for me...;)

03-06-2008, 11:33 AM
Nice write up! I can't afford to afford a Euro grill, and thus was wondering if i can just separate the [H] from the ugly chrome bits and keep the [H] positioned as it is?

I don't see why you can't, not sure if the end result will be better though/

Just realised that there's a DIY section, should this be move?

03-06-2008, 11:36 AM
Wow you got that done fast!

:) i found it quite easy to do, returning back to standard after having replaced with the sport grill was super easy

:) nice work!

03-06-2008, 11:51 AM
this has been done before by Matell i think.
but good job, should have been under DIY.

03-06-2008, 12:06 PM
^oh you're right. I searched and didnt come across it. I think it's because i call it a grill whereas he titled it grilie lol.

anyway sorry guys .. is this going to get deleted/

03-06-2008, 12:11 PM
nah should be fine anyhow just get them to move it, as your one is a sports grill even though same process.

03-06-2008, 12:11 PM
Junyu, I will request to have this moved into the DIY section. I won't delete, it shows you have the initiative and can be bothered to post to help others. + rep. :thumbsup:

12-06-2008, 09:57 PM
anyone on here know how or have remove the chrome bit thats on the 04 bonnet?

thanks in advance

12-06-2008, 10:13 PM
afaik if you lift up the hood theres some plastic nuts under the chrome bit that u need to remove, then just slided it out

25-06-2008, 12:31 AM
Just wondering....haven't got a grille yet but I'm tempted.... :p.....where do u guys get new clips or do you just don't bother and let it hold on with the remaining clips???

25-06-2008, 02:08 AM
you use the existing clips. If they do break you can get new clips from honda, shouldn't cost you more than a few dollars.

When you do get your grill and if you do need new clips i have a set that i never used, i'll be more than happy to send it out to you if you like. Free of charge of course :)


26-06-2008, 12:58 AM
you use the existing clips. If they do break you can get new clips from honda, shouldn't cost you more than a few dollars.

When you do get your grill and if you do need new clips i have a set that i never used, i'll be more than happy to send it out to you if you like. Free of charge of course :)


Hey Jun cheers for the hospitality.....erm atm im still looking at where to get the best deal for those JDM grills out there....probably by the time I've got the grill ur set of clips might be old already...... :p hehe......

23-08-2008, 05:56 PM
Nice guide, eventually got there when I was removing the 4 clips holding the grill. Took a bit of time. Broke 3 clips, which is the smaller version clips.

...and how the hell did everyone transplant their Honda badge from the grandpa grill to the sports grill? I killed mine when I was trying to remove the silver lock rings from the leg things. Now I need to buy a new badge. grrrr.

24-08-2008, 10:37 PM
photos .QD

25-08-2008, 03:00 PM
photos .QD

Pics of that i broke or pics of the new grill installed? I'm getting a new badge, $30 and $9 for 3 clips.

30-08-2008, 11:49 AM
Pics of that i broke or pics of the new grill installed? I'm getting a new badge, $30 and $9 for 3 clips.
don't remember now so both.

23-09-2010, 10:24 PM
Hi Jun Yu can you please kindly post the pics back as the photobucket has taken it down thanks, I just got my new CF grille really keen to see how you've done it before I go and do it myself thanks

25-09-2010, 12:24 PM
Hi Jun Yu can you please kindly post the pics back as the photobucket has taken it down thanks, I just got my new CF grille really keen to see how you've done it before I go and do it myself thanks

+1 repost pls

30-09-2010, 10:16 AM
I'm pretty sure the guy has been banned!..