View Full Version : carpet wet when it rain

08-06-2008, 04:00 PM

i have a civic coupe and noticed the passenger side carpet and mats are soaked/wet when driving in the rain.. i dont recall drivin through any puddles etc. can anyone explain to me why this only happens on the passenger side and how i can stop this from occurring.


08-06-2008, 04:09 PM
First check! if ur doors is leaking.. or any rust hole..

then check out the rubber if they are in good conditions or not. if u do need to change then, change the rubber seal on the door. go to clark rubbers and find the right application to fit urs..

or .. u go to the honda.. which caused more :p but u got a direct fit in.

Lastly check your window rubbers

08-06-2008, 04:38 PM
as above mentioned its most likely your door seals. i would get new but you could try wreckers. not sure how much cheaper they are though, give honbits in smithfield a call and ask.
otherwise, your lucky cuz theres a guy parting out his civic coupe, you can get part u need off him

08-06-2008, 05:36 PM
also my mates teg da9 except on the drivers side deep down where the clutch was there was a leak and i didntk now where it came from, so check around that area too.

08-06-2008, 07:59 PM
thanks for all the help guys... i ripped out the carpet before but couldnt find any thing to show a hole or leak of some sort.. i found something that looked like a plug but cudnt find where it belonged.. i looked everywhere...

i will prob get the door & windows rubber checked tom.. not sure how they can make only the carpet wet tho??

i also checked the drivers side but nothing wet there..

thanks heaps.

08-06-2008, 08:05 PM
your car has a sunroof ? The tubes that come from the upper roof might be leaking alittle into the passenger area...becomes obvious when there is alot of rain (like the last few days)

You will have to pull back the ECU cover and possibly take out the glovebox to have a good look in there to where it is leaking from.

I suggest pulling back carpet , pulling back seat , taking out the ECU + cover etc , then get a mate to get a jug of water and pour it slowly ontop of the car roof and passenger side window + windshield .
Water should slowly leak down and should leak out the area where the leak is from.

10-06-2008, 09:11 AM
Thanks bennjamin, I'll give that a go once the weather is good !

14-06-2008, 10:52 PM
here is a thought, are you sure its only when it rains?

in an old car of mine i thought that to. but what it turned out to be is the drain pipe for the air con was blocked, so when i used the air con the water backed up into the car on the passenger side soaking the carpet

simple fix.

locate drain pipe, usually in bottom of enginebay near firewall or near a/c unit. get long piece of wire and shove it in and out of pipe breaking up any clogging debris.