View Full Version : alarm system

17-09-2004, 09:42 PM
wats a good alarm system tat works well??? and is good?? tats not too expensive...cos i have quicktrak system...but no central locking... :( dunno wats wrong with it i dunno... :( help me the n00b pls...

19-09-2004, 08:08 PM
viper are good and affordable depends how much u wanna spend for a average viper u could pick it up for 300 mark

19-09-2004, 09:22 PM
300 for a viper? you sure?
Where from dude... im from SE melb too.. ne places u can recommend?

19-09-2004, 10:45 PM
Yeah who sells viper alarms in australia.. well sydney :p

19-09-2004, 10:52 PM
I have heard brant make good security systems.

19-09-2004, 10:58 PM
opps guys...sorry about all these...wat i meant was Immobiliser....pardon my n00bness... wats a good immoboliser... thx in advance... :D

20-09-2004, 12:32 AM
im not big on them but i assume anything 3 stage is more secure than anything 1 or 2 stage.. =)

20-09-2004, 11:21 AM
autobarn sell viper alarms...

that could be the base model for 300??

20-09-2004, 01:12 PM
autobarn sell viper alarms...

that could be the base model for 300??

Cheers mate..

go go go autobarn hehe

20-09-2004, 01:23 PM
opps guys...sorry about all these...wat i meant was Immobiliser....pardon my n00bness... wats a good immoboliser... thx in advance... :D
don't the new honda's come with immoboliser....!?!? :confused:
cuz i thnk me 97 ek1 has an one....

20-09-2004, 01:28 PM
Viper is certainly the way to go if you are up for one of the best alarm systems, but beware they are pricey. You could also try other brands like Hornet and Rhino which are a little bit cheaper and offer the same amount of security!

20-09-2004, 01:41 PM
i have found the rhino alarms are awsome...i have one i got it for around $1500...but instead of having a pager, it sends information to your mobile about if the battery is low, if someone has touched a window, if panic alarm goes off, and nearly if someone farts near it...also you can arm and disarm the alarm from your mobile, remote start from your mobile, nearly anything from your mobile.

Its a bit expensive, but i have left my windows down and someone tryed to get in, unsuccesfully

and b i think you got it wrong, rhino is the more expensive ones out of the three :)

20-09-2004, 03:27 PM
lol wow that is very cool but very pricey..

Im only 18 n work part time n am still payin off a couple things, so no way i could afford that :P

2 of my mates got vipers, they seem very good ... but from what ive heard they're pricey
ive looked but i cant find a website outlining which models have which features and how much..

anyone know a website?

20-09-2004, 04:37 PM

20-09-2004, 08:55 PM
Got it from freeway car audio in dandy

20-09-2004, 09:32 PM
I got a hornet alarm, same brand (DEI) as viper etc. IT is okay, but viper alarms are very overrated. Rhino is good, as well as brant (not many people have heard of brant). Viper is mainstream, and if a thief knows what they are doing they don't mind the vipers.

20-09-2004, 09:58 PM
how much did u guys get it for and wat options does it have?

21-09-2004, 10:14 PM
www.mongoose.com.au (http://www.mongoose.com.au/carsecurity.html)

21-09-2004, 10:46 PM
how can you put a price on the security of your precious, beloved ride...i know i cant, well i know i dont want to put that kind of hole in my wallet and pocket if it does get taken...

also i dont want to lose all that i have worked for, and that i have put all my money into...

21-09-2004, 11:02 PM
i agree with ludester.. ppl can spend so much money for cars mods but are unwilling to just spend an extra bit for a good security system. why take the risk?

21-09-2004, 11:47 PM
ive got a 2000 DC2R and it came with a immobiliser standard.

22-09-2004, 11:03 AM
yeah but a standard immobiliser is normal a 1/2 stage immobiliser, what is easy for people that steal cars to get past...but thiefs have alot of trouble when you get a 3/4 stage immobiliser

22-09-2004, 11:57 AM
i finally got my quiktrak system fixed...and its working now...but im not sure if i should subscribe to their service...but the alarm and keyless entry are working...

24-09-2004, 11:05 AM
Bah doesnt matter how much you spend on a alarm, ive had mate spend 2k on his and his car got stolen (it was one of the ones that sends ur mobile a sms etc) , If they want ur car they will get it no matter what bs security u have. immobiliser doesnt stop it from been dragged up onto a tow truck

24-09-2004, 12:11 PM
Bah doesnt matter how much you spend on a alarm, ive had mate spend 2k on his and his car got stolen (it was one of the ones that sends ur mobile a sms etc) , If they want ur car they will get it no matter what bs security u have. immobiliser doesnt stop it from been dragged up onto a tow truck

Yeah.. nothing stops the tow trucks. I would say that a 3 point alarm immobiliser would be sufficient. around $500 bucks. Nothing too fancy. It stops the petty theives. You could look for stuff like interior screamers too. if the guy is in the car when the alarm goes off.. lolz.. he'll need new ear drums.

black widow, mongoose are alright. Not sure if you can get stuff like clifford down here. But they are good too.

Prevention is better than a cure. Leave it in the Garage and anchor it to the ground. :D take the bus.. it's all good.

27-09-2004, 04:49 PM
i have found the rhino alarms are awsome...i have one i got it for around $1500...but instead of having a pager, it sends information to your mobile about if the battery is low, if someone has touched a window, if panic alarm goes off, and nearly if someone farts near it...also you can arm and disarm the alarm from your mobile, remote start from your mobile, nearly anything from your mobile.

Its a bit expensive, but i have left my windows down and someone tryed to get in, unsuccesfully

and b i think you got it wrong, rhino is the more expensive ones out of the three :)

i heard the bommerang alarms does similar things but around the same price line?

20-12-2004, 06:53 PM
hey guys...where can i grab/find those alarms - hornet, mongoose or viper in sydney? autobarn, strathfield car radios?