View Full Version : 1st day on my ITR

18-09-2004, 01:53 AM
it was soooooo awesome...the car got good handling and man it is fast...espacially when it hits vtec... :D but yeha...the thing is...when i was driving it around tonight...and i was speeding at 180km/h and when i break...my whole car began to shake...is it normal?? is it the ABS?? cos its as if my car is running out of break pads and it break and stops and breaks and stops...so thus making my car tremble...like massive tremble... :confused: anyone can clarify this?

18-09-2004, 02:33 AM
Yes its ABS.

18-09-2004, 02:45 AM
tsk tsk tsk......
in the first place u shouldn't be speedin!!!! :D

but when i shakes its not as if ur about to loose control is it

18-09-2004, 02:56 AM
eheehheehe, good start, ..... wait until your LSD kick in !!! be more fun

18-09-2004, 08:22 AM
kakakak raysir... :P nahhhh...i didnt lose control...it just trembles hard when i try to break...its as if the car is falling apart... :| kakaka...wats LSD?? :confused:

18-09-2004, 10:53 AM
Limited Slip Differential

18-09-2004, 11:04 AM
....you have a DC2R?

"What's LSD?" ?


18-09-2004, 12:18 PM
lol...sorry...me still newbie... :( what does it do?? :confused:

18-09-2004, 12:23 PM
break != brake

18-09-2004, 12:33 PM
oh no ... u dunno wats LSD.... do a search

18-09-2004, 01:07 PM
i think maybe your discs need to be machined. they could have warped or have uneven wear on them. When you get new pads, ask for the discs to be machined which will make for smooth braking.

And lsd, both front wheels drive the car instead of one. Greater traction so you get a faster take off.

18-09-2004, 01:22 PM
Nice, posting up speeding on the board.

Take it to the track ffs.

18-09-2004, 01:39 PM
And lsd, both front wheels drive the car instead of one. Greater traction so you get a faster take off.

and eliminate torque steer during takeoff. :wave:

18-09-2004, 01:50 PM
*sigh* Talk about mis-information.

1. If the whole car is shaking when you are braking hard it does not sound like ABS. ABS should only be felt via the brake pedal. Does the car pull to a side when you brake? Chances are you might have warped rotors, or they just might need machining. Get them checked out

2. LSD = Limited slip Differential and its main use is to transfer power to the outer wheel while cornering (unlike open diffs that transfer power to the wheel with least grip Ie the inside wheel). As for torque steer, that isn't the real reason for a LSD. The reason I mentioned before is the primary reason......for corners.


18-09-2004, 02:58 PM
wynode the car doesnt pull aside...it stays on track but just trembles...it only occured once... :| so yeah....will get my car service this saturday... :D

18-09-2004, 06:38 PM
congrats on your new ride supernatural.
join the club, i picked mine up last night.
what colour is your DC2?

18-09-2004, 06:43 PM
mines black...with black recaros... :( i wanted a red one...but its alright...im enjoying every bit of it... :D

btw...wat engine oil do u guys use??

18-09-2004, 06:47 PM
[QUOTE=supernatural]mines black...with black recaros... :( i wanted a red one...QUOTE]
so true. i was looking for a milano red ITR but never came up.

18-09-2004, 09:53 PM
yeh thats true, red type r's are very rare indeed, i rarely see one around

18-09-2004, 10:06 PM
i read your signature
so u bought the white dc2r on tradingpost
dat car looks to be in excellent condition
my friend was thinking of buying it
the advertised price was a bit steep tho
mind pm'ing me wot price you got it at?

you cannont sell plates to other ppl

18-09-2004, 10:44 PM
180 is flipping insane.

dude, drive safe nut. afaik there are no roads in aus that have a speed limit even close to that. pls stay off the road while i am on the road if u are going to be speeding that much.

not appreciated.

18-09-2004, 11:12 PM
i was actually looking for a milano red R with a sunroof.
I've only ever seen 1 milano red R with a sunroof.
And it's from my area!!

18-09-2004, 11:20 PM
too many speed nazis here :P

180 is good
i've done 210, but ran outta space :D

18-09-2004, 11:25 PM
too many speed nazis here :P

180 is good
i've done 210, but ran outta space :D

You are now my new hero :thumbsup:

18-09-2004, 11:33 PM
i did it on the high way where there was no car...and it was a straight road...cos i was cruising and the highway was to the entrance...so yeah...it was empty street too...i just got my car and i will definitely not be crashing it any soon... and plus...ive only driven manual like 50hrs max in 3yrs... so im new on the manual as well...

18-09-2004, 11:36 PM
so being new to manual, going 180km/h, and first time driving a powerful car makes it alright?


ur an idiot. and so is eg_teg.

19-09-2004, 12:04 AM
did i say it was alright?? rofl... re-read thx...

and if anyone speeding is an idiot...i guess "most" ppl are...

19-09-2004, 12:06 AM
i did it on the high way where there was no car...and it was a straight road...cos i was cruising and the highway was to the entrance...so yeah...it was empty street too...i just got my car and i will definitely not be crashing it any soon... and plus...ive only driven manual like 50hrs max in 3yrs... so im new on the manual as well...

*allocates to the "Danny Club"*

19-09-2004, 12:12 AM
did i say it was alright?? rofl... re-read thx...

and if anyone speeding is an idiot...i guess "most" ppl are...

i have read ur post fine.

ur an idiot. stay off the roads.

19-09-2004, 12:14 AM
i have read ur post fine.

ur an idiot. stay off the roads.

guess u need to improve on ur interpretation...

im an idiot and i love the road... :thumbsup:

19-09-2004, 12:19 AM
my interpretation is fine.

i did it on the high way where there was no car...and it was a straight road...cos i was cruising and the highway was to the entrance...so yeah...it was empty street too...i just got my car and i will definitely not be crashing it any soon... and plus...ive only driven manual like 50hrs max in 3yrs... so im new on the manual as well...

you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"i did it on the high way where there was no car"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"it was a straight road"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"i was cruising and the highway was to the entrance...so yeah"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"it was empty street too"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"i just got my car and i will definitely not be crashing it any soon"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h
"and plus...ive only driven manual like 50hrs max in 3yrs... so im new on the manual as well"
you're an idiot for doing 180km/h

you're an idiot for doing 180km/h

19-09-2004, 12:24 AM
hahahaha... yeah i am an idiot for doing tat...and i think im gonna be an idiot just like everybody else...

i love the roads...so much bl... :D

in a matter of fact i think i will go for a drive now...

19-09-2004, 12:30 AM
thats the problem mate. a lot of people here love the road too.

so respect that please.

i dont want to be driving one day, and have you lose control and kill me just because "you love the road".

19-09-2004, 01:28 AM
i drove in the middle of the night and no cars and in highway of 110 so i dont think i would have killed u... anyways...back to the road i will tomorrow... but at the speed limit...

19-09-2004, 01:43 AM
supernatural= u r a idiot
I too have broken laws in the past so who em i to judge????

19-09-2004, 01:49 AM
hey eric,
Supernatural aint that crazy of a driver... i know him.... he's okies lah
its more like a new toy for him...moving from a PINK merc A-class to a dcr2 is a big step!

19-09-2004, 10:02 AM
If you think speeding is dangerous, don't brag about it or say "Oh i did xxxkms"... simple. Same with kill stories... i dunno what is there to brag about when your doing double the speed limit.

19-09-2004, 10:28 AM
The shuddering is most likely warped rotors. I have the exact same issue and despite being machined they still do it as they are under the run-out. Mine are being replaced this week. Get them to check the pistons in the brakes too - if one is tight it is causing excess heat build-up leading to the warping. I've also heard stories that the EBC pads lead to warping due to their composition - can't confirm or deny that, but it seems a popular complaint.

BTW: posting that you broke the law on a public forum is not a smart move, regardless of conditions. I won't comment on the speed you attained - others have done that ;)

19-09-2004, 10:57 AM
hehehe 180 isn't THAT bad, provided the prevailing conditions are good etc...

re: warpage- my car seemed end up with severe shakes while running the OEM nissin pads, no such problems with the metal kings or lucas pads. lucas pads faded like sh!t though.

19-09-2004, 10:04 PM
who was bragging about driving fast?? i was merely explaining my problem...

im very sure everyone of u have speed before and have broken the law...so wats the point in pretending being a "safe" driver and all?? this is my first time posting here on the forum about how fast i was driving and this will be my last...im sorry if ive offended any of u goody goodies ie. fried mr i dont speed...

anyways...another question i have is does ITR suppose to be able to handle well around corners without losing its grip??

btw ray...whos eric??

19-09-2004, 10:13 PM

dude. its not so much about speeding, cos everyone does it. i in no way suggested that i did not speed. my point was about driving safe. and not being an idiot on the road.

going from a heavy merc, to a very powerful sports car, and being unexperienced in driving, and then speeding at such hi speeds, is IMO very silly.

if u have problems with ur brakes, i dont see why u need to travel at 180km/h to find out if there is anything wrong with them. not only is that pointless, but extremely stupid. IF ur brakes decided not to work @ 180km/h.... ud be stuffed.

well done :wave:

thats all i have to say. drive safe.

and slim.. shutup! dont encourage him, u dam hoon lol

19-09-2004, 10:17 PM
who was bragging about driving fast?? i was merely explaining my problem...

im very sure everyone of u have speed before and have broken the law...so wats the point in pretending being a "safe" driver and all?? this is my first time posting here on the forum about how fast i was driving and this will be my last...im sorry if ive offended any of u goody goodies ie. fried mr i dont speed...

anyways...another question i have is does ITR suppose to be able to handle well around corners without losing its grip??

btw ray...whos eric??

ROFL... you're certainly not too quick at putting two and two together are you... :rolleyes:

And in reference to your "handling" question, feel like being any MORE vague? The number of non mentioned variables in that one sentence is ludicrous. Perhaps you should do some reading of your own.

*sigh* ...YOU'RE a DC2R driver? *hands over link to ClubRSX (http://forums.clubrsx.com/forumdisplay.php?daysprune=&forumid=92&x=5&y=8) and leaves to the wolves...*