View Full Version : Suzuki swift gti seats

28-06-2008, 09:53 PM
Hey guys,

Wondering if anybody knows if these seats can be put into a dc4? will it require alot of work or will it be a direct rail swap?

If somebody has done this swap or has pic's... can you please post them up.

i know they maybe ugly but i'll get them re-trimmed black (im getting them for dirt cheap so i wana know if i can... not enough money for recaro's haha)

heres what they look like for those who dont know;



28-06-2008, 10:30 PM
will require alot of work. basically you will have to get custom rails to be made up.

28-06-2008, 10:41 PM
So definately not possible to change the rails from the swift seats to the original dc4 seats?

28-06-2008, 11:34 PM
Nah custom rail will need to be welded or bolted in.... then u will probably need to get them complianced... have fun wit that though cause they won't be adr approved for your car....

29-06-2008, 08:57 AM
ok... maybe a good idea not to buy them!
