View Full Version : liscense suspension

03-07-2008, 05:47 PM
in a month ive recieved 3 speeding fines and 2 red light camera flashes resulting in about 22 demerit points. im on my red Ps leaving me with minus 18 points. am i gonna get my liscese suspended or am i gonna lose my liscense altogether?

and how long before i cant drive..lol

any info would be great thanks guys.. i thought about asking rta but yeh.. hesitated to do so..


03-07-2008, 05:52 PM
erm well your pretty much screwed

for a normal opens license your looking at 3-6 month suspension

on red p's (meaning you only got them a while ago) your probs looking at maybe a year... but the way the courts are... you'll probably still get your option between the 1 point good behaviour bond (which in this time does not count towards your time on your p's meaning you need to do an extra year) or a 3 month suspension

Your a hero but really... i mean... i'm on my red p's... but clearly i mean your respect points are alot higher than mine cause you break the law

03-07-2008, 05:55 PM
Just my opinion but I think you could do without your license for a year so you can think about driving properly.

3 speeding fines and 2 redlights in a month. sheesh that's craziness

03-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Which state are you from?

03-07-2008, 06:05 PM
moved to noob forum

03-07-2008, 06:20 PM
im from sydney NSW

so im gonna only get my liscense suspended right.. do i have to go for a driving test once my suspension is over?

2 of my speeding fines was only over the limit by 5ks both in school zones and the other speeding fine was for street racing but was let off with a lil fine and 4 demerits so i guess i was lucky there..
and ran 2 red lights in one day driving someone to hospital.

thanks for the info guys. much appreciation.

03-07-2008, 06:22 PM
in nsw u lose ur licence for 3 months no matter what the case for speeding on ur red P's

03-07-2008, 06:43 PM
dam thats ****ed bro

03-07-2008, 07:02 PM
On red P's, for ANY speeding offence, you lose ur suspended for 3 months regardless of points.

Because you've got such a prolific list of offences, you'll need to serve a minimum 3 months for speeding - PLUS 3 months due to loss of demerit points..
That much i know is certain.

Now, youre best is to call the RTA and confirm, if EVERY SINGLE speeding offence equates to a lot of 3 months suspension.

Copy? :)

03-07-2008, 07:06 PM
roger that.

jus making final payments before i have the guts to confront rta

03-07-2008, 08:59 PM
in a month ive recieved 3 speeding fines and 2 red light camera flashes resulting in about 22 demerit points. im on my red Ps leaving me with minus 18 points. am i gonna get my liscese suspended or am i gonna lose my liscense altogether?

and how long before i cant drive..lol

any info would be great thanks guys.. i thought about asking rta but yeh.. hesitated to do so..


3 speeeding fines, each one being 3 months instant loss of license is 9 months.

another 3 for losing all your points = 12 months

2 of the speeding fiens were in school zones which may carry heavier penalties, so call it at least 12 months, or you may get a court summons, and, being a red p plater, and getting 22 points in a month, the judge will most likely decide to **** you with a big round pole, minus lubricant, and without a warning, so youll be facing total loss of license, for a nice long time.

which, imo, you deserve, and its people like you that **** it up for all teh other young drivers

03-07-2008, 09:15 PM
im suprised u aint in jail lol

03-07-2008, 09:27 PM
which, imo, you deserve, and its people like you that **** it up for all teh other young drivers

Harsh man.

2 of my speeding fines was only over the limit by 5ks both in school zones
and the other speeding fine was for street racing but was let off with a lil fine and 4 demerits so i guess i was lucky there..

and ran 2 red lights in one day driving someone to hospital.

thanks for the info guys. much appreciation.

If i remember correctly from what i read many years ago when i got my licence

if rushing a person to a hospital in a live or death situation or in similar situation (unexpected childbirth w/ complications) you are legally allowed to speed [within reason]as you are acting as an ambulance.

if u explain that situation to a judge, most judges will let it slide a bit. especially since he'll have alot more to rape you over.

speeding in school zone no going easy on you there.

and ur just plain ****ed for the street racing.

all in all if u get summoned to xourt u could try to get a lessor sentence, or if you opted on the fine to go to court.

when i got my licence, i had it for 3 months then lost it in 1 go as i was caught speeding , so was the guy behind me. i was goin 140+ in a 90 zone in a banged up 83 telstar, caught by a cop car with side mounted radar.

the cop booked the other guy 1st then came to my window and asked if i knew what the limit was, i said yes, and asked how fast i was goin, i said 116km/h. thats where i went wrong...

little did i kno that cops cannot book 2 people of the 1 radar reading, especially since it was the guy behind me that got radar'd. if i has just said that i didnt kno, or expressed my knowledge of this rule then i most likely could ave gotton away with it.

instead i got $250 fine and 4 points ( u only had 4 points to begin with bak then and fines were cheaper to). i got a choice of 3 month no driving suspension or 1 year "work licence" which mean u can only drive 2 and from work and ANY fine means u lose licence 4 a year (well so it was bak then). i chose 3 month as i figured i'd get to 2months and xdays and i'd probably **** up.

04-07-2008, 02:29 PM
There's a type of colour blindness where you see green instead of red. You don't have that do you?

04-07-2008, 03:25 PM
damn man,
sounds like your up sh*T creek!

would be lucky to get off with 6months no driving.
prob be better off with good behaviour, best not to try act smart with the judge and all and try explain situation for rushing to hospital for a lighter sentence.

04-07-2008, 03:57 PM
2 of the speeding fiens were in school zones which may carry heavier penalties, so call it at least 12 months, or you may get a court summons, and, being a red p plater, and getting 22 points in a month, the judge will most likely decide to **** you with a big round pole, minus lubricant, and without a warning, so youll be facing total loss of license, for a nice long time.

rofl ..

04-07-2008, 05:16 PM
yeh ive jus written a letter to explaining my hospital situation sending a doctors certificate along with it too so hopefully that goes on well, they havent called me out to court yet so yeh dont think its serious enough. im only 17 so dont think im allowed in jail yet either

05-07-2008, 08:52 AM
lol dw most these **** wits are over exaggerating the situation, just do what you gotta do and learn from it

05-07-2008, 10:02 AM
exagerating? He's lost 22 points. HE HAS 4 POINTS!!!

It's either a huge disqualification to a years

or a suspension followed by another due to loss of points, again and again and again. And who knows you might even add the fact that each speeding fine might add another 3 months for each speeding fine too

05-07-2008, 10:52 AM
On red P's, for ANY speeding offence, you lose ur suspended for 3 months regardless of points.

Because you've got such a prolific list of offences, you'll need to serve a minimum 3 months for speeding - PLUS 3 months due to loss of demerit points..
That much i know is certain.

Now, youre best is to call the RTA and confirm, if EVERY SINGLE speeding offence equates to a lot of 3 months suspension.

Copy? :)

how is wat i said wrong its exactly the same as wat u said

05-07-2008, 11:13 AM
hope its a good lesson for you...

being such a new driver, road rules should still be 'very' fresh in your mind - to get done so many times in one month... i truly believe you should be suspended for a year and even re-sit the tests....

emergency - ok - i'd give you that based on sufficient proof ... but school zones and street racing... you're definatelly a noob!

Again - hope you've learnt something or will learn something soon!

05-07-2008, 11:24 AM
off the topic...

being a L and P driver with less experience shouldn't they have more points than the more experience drivers where they know not to speed?

this question has always been on my mind.

05-07-2008, 11:56 AM
no. so they can speed more? Sick idea

05-07-2008, 11:57 AM
no not really but its funny how many more full licence drivers lose their licences then P platers but media and ignorant fools on this forum always blow up the fact that p platers lose their licence so much too..

05-07-2008, 12:02 PM
take it this way dude, i launched at the lights not even exceeding the speed limit 2kms down the road i get pulled over for street racing and cop a 1yr disqualification. its hard dude. im going to the district court and getting my barrister which is a mate of mine. got hooked up! YAY! might aswell dude. fight for it if oyu know your right. but if you know you did the wrong. just cop it. thats all you can do.

05-07-2008, 01:07 PM
no not really but its funny how many more full licence drivers lose their licences then P platers but media and ignorant fools on this forum always blow up the fact that p platers lose their licence so much too..

Im guessing you're the p-plater too?

perhaps if P-platers drove a little bit more cautiously - because after all they lack the experience of a full-licenced driver - and didn't get caught for doing stupid shit like speeding and street racing - perhaps the media and ignorant fools as you said would then look at everyone equally. Also the ratio of full licenced drivers to every p-plater is much greater... unfortunatelly like in most situations - minority looses.

05-07-2008, 02:22 PM
yes iam a p plater.. do you take into consideration that p platers can lose their license MUCH easier than full licensed drivers? if we are caught doing 2km/h or 20km/h over the limit we lose our license for 3months.. have you considered that we only have a quarter of the points that full licensed drivers have? also have you considered that we can lose our license for petty things like having more than 1 passenger after 11pm.. if u take all that into consideration then it might hit you, that there might be "other" reasons behind so many p platers losing their license.

05-07-2008, 02:26 PM
if you get called for a court appearance don't represent yourself..get a lawyer(legal aid,solicitor etc.) don't ever go to court representing yourself..i had to learn the hard way...

05-07-2008, 02:47 PM
if you get called for a court appearance don't represent yourself..get a lawyer(legal aid,solicitor etc.) don't ever go to court representing yourself..i had to learn the hard way...

what happened?

05-07-2008, 03:19 PM
yes iam a p plater.. do you take into consideration that p platers can lose their license MUCH easier than full licensed drivers? if we are caught doing 2km/h or 20km/h over the limit we lose our license for 3months.. have you considered that we only have a quarter of the points that full licensed drivers have? also have you considered that we can lose our license for petty things like having more than 1 passenger after 11pm.. if u take all that into consideration then it might hit you, that there might be "other" reasons behind so many p platers losing their license.

well then - pays to respect the rules doesn't it?

learn to drive below the limit or on it - not over it! guess what... 60km/h limit is 'the LIMIT' - not 62km/h, not 65km/h. Sure people drive at 65-69 but they also cop tickets.

learn to respect your demerit points - they don't last long if you speed.

make it a rule that you don't drive after 11pm - then you don't have a problem with taking passengers - and the only person driving with you after 11pm should be a fully licensed driver anyway by the sounds of it.

sure those sound like harsh measures but if thats what it takes to teach learners the rules than thats what it should be. You're a new driver, no experience and you expect to get the same benefits as people who have done the time and gained the experience.?? as if!

05-07-2008, 04:01 PM
lol i dont think you understand my point - you cant say p platers lose their license more than full licensees because it is much easier for us to lose it.. therefore.. its not an even playing field.. comprende amigo?

05-07-2008, 04:16 PM
Definitions of consequence on the Web:

The outcome of an event expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being a loss, injury, disadvantage or gain.


Consequence (born Dexter Raymond Mills, Jr.) is an American hip hop artist from Queens, New York. He is most notable for appearing frequently on A Tribe Called Quest's Beats, Rhymes and Life, and has recently re-emerged on a series of tracks with Kanye West, as well as featuring on the song ...


05-07-2008, 04:23 PM
lol i dont think you understand my point - you cant say p platers lose their license more than full licensees because it is much easier for us to lose it.. therefore.. its not an even playing field.. comprende amigo?

What I think sinistr is saying is that you (P platers) need to learn when you're new rather than when you're older.

How is it any easier to lose you license? Obey the rules and do what you need to do to get your fulls!

Taking bad "P" platers off the road now saves the authorities alot of time later on to re-train drivers with bad habit.

Easy for someone to say, hey if you think you can get off take it to local/district court. Not everyone can afford $300 p/hr for a solicitor and $3000 a day for a barrister!

Rules are put in place for a reason and unfortunately for P plater always think its a conspiracy against them and not the fact that its their peers who do stupid things like losing 22 demerit points?? WTF??

05-07-2008, 04:25 PM
The ghetto is a ni.g.g.a trap, take the cheese
Soon as you do it here come the police
Invented and designed fo' us to fail
Where you gon' end up, dead or in jail

05-07-2008, 05:46 PM
o well. gives me time to save up for new car. 350z yo!

05-07-2008, 06:29 PM
lol i dont think you understand my point - you cant say p platers lose their license more than full licensees because it is much easier for us to lose it.. therefore.. its not an even playing field.. comprende amigo?

live with it - don't speed, dont street race - you'll be surprised how quickly the time flies and you'll get your 12 points - the question to you is: will you start speeding or racing when you get your 12 points.... i think thats what they are trying to teach you here.

05-07-2008, 07:02 PM
Honestly everyone has sped and done something stupid in your life so all the people saying he is learning a lesson and that he is doing something that is copletely stupid should shut up. Your only saying that to him because you yourself have not been court or you have been court but learnt a lesson and now u thing its stupid for other people to do it, or ur just old..Yes he shall learn his lesson as i did, but if its for a reason as he said about the hospital then give him a break...yeh he got court in a school zone but I to forget to slow down in school zones as it is a new rule and they have small signs plus the fact that theres school everywhere....I say give the guy a break!
Dude cops and all authority are going to be harsh on you as your new and there trying to teach u a lesson cause there sick of scraping up dead teens from car crash's its not your fault. Just explain yourself and dont bullshit (cause u will be court out). Writing to say about the hospital thing is good, the school zone well u wernt going that fast so i dont see much of a fault there if u knew it was a school zone and u were slowing down but didnt go all the way then cop that, street racing yeh you were having fun but it aint fun now ay but we gotta cop wat we do theres now one else to blame...Let it pass man as you said you have time to save up! petrols high so theres another good reason u lost ur licence , now get your concession card and take the train :P

05-07-2008, 07:49 PM
now get your concession card and take the train :P
lol.......this happen to me 2 year ago....
and listen to me my friend DO NOT drive when u got suspend!!!!!!!!!!

06-07-2008, 05:16 AM
haha yeh wasnt really planning to lols, think im f*ked enough as i am

06-07-2008, 10:44 AM
A little word you all need to learn; discretion.
The law needs to be harsh, whether your 5km over or your 15, makes no difference as the rule in nsw is 0-15km's over your in the bracket of speeding.
I am a red P plater, So any other P platers want to have a go at me about not speeding and all the rest then go ahead, but at the end of the day

The guy with ice cube as his avator, mate, it makes no difference if p platers lose their licences more than full licenced drivers. 4 points or 12points, every person driving their car in nsw knows (OR SHOULD KNOW) the rules, and doing something ignorant like running red lights or speeding is careless driving, whether you lose your licence and ur a p plater or ur a full licenced driver and lose 4 points, its careless and consequences will follow.

Im sick to death of P platers blaming other people and the law for disqualification of licences or losing points and their only response is "its not fair because fully licenced drivers can do it and keep their licence or because the cops had it in for us".

I am not disagreeing that cops are wankers, but hey its discretion.
Mate, if you lost 22points in a month and your on your red P's you need to learn a serious lesson. I understand u were going to hospital thats fair enough, but being over twice in a school zone and street racing?
Be thankful your alive mate, theres worse consequences than lose of licence and fines when u street race.

Okay, thats that topic done. The one that shits me being a P plater is the stupid kerfew. 1 passenger under 25 after 11pm ?.
I understand the reasoning for it, but don't you think this promotes drink driving and puts more cars on the road at night?
instead of having 1 Designated driver for 4 other ppl, there has to be more designated drivers. How many 17-25 yr olds want to be Designated drivers?

"I'll have a few beers, I'll be right to drive". That seems to be the motto towards the kerfew. I am 17 and have had first hand experience, I am saying this from my point of view and what I have seen since this rule has come into affect.
I had mates on their P's before this rule, and it seemed to run alot smoother. If anything, ppl may speed more to "beat the kerfew".

Furthermore, to give you a new perspective on this rule. The fine for a P plater having more than 1 person after 11pm between 17-25 is-
7demerit points and $405 fine.

Compare this with the "careless" proposition of running a red light-
3points and $___ not sure of fine.

I personally think running a red light is worse than dropping 2 of my drunk mates off after a party.

Just having my say.

06-07-2008, 11:16 AM
The guy with ice cube as his avator, mate, it makes no difference if p platers lose their licences more than full licenced drivers. 4 points or 12points, every person driving their car in nsw knows (OR SHOULD KNOW) the rules, and doing something ignorant like running red lights or speeding is careless driving, whether you lose your licence and ur a p plater or ur a full licenced driver and lose 4 points, its careless and consequences will follow.

Im sick to death of P platers blaming other people and the law for disqualification of licences or losing points and their only response is "its not fair because fully licenced drivers can do it and keep their licence or because the cops had it in for us".

Mate iam talking about how the media blows it out of porportion.. the other day i was watching the news and it said last year or this year cant remember there was 14,000 p platers with their license suspended.. and iam saying yeah that might be true BUT it is so easy for us to lose our license.. therefore who gives a **** how many p platers lost their license its not a fair playing field if u compare to people with full licenses etc

06-07-2008, 11:37 AM
john procter is the only one with a valid argument here, most others sound like they are writing for current affairs latest report on "how to discriminate against p platers"

06-07-2008, 01:25 PM
yeh he got court in a school zone but I to forget to slow down in school zones as it is a new rule and they have small signs plus the fact that theres school everywhere....I say give the guy a break!

thats just funny.... you should start your own comedy show mate!

Kazam - you must be another p-plater LOL?

there's no fkn discrimination here - i once had p-plates too and as far as I can remember for my 1st year on P-plates i didn't loose a single point - it can be done - its not that hard! and if you loose your licence within the 1st 3-6 months of having it (even if it is only 4 pts) then **** - you obviously don't want it bad enough if you're happy to loose it that quick.

This topic is useless... all you little shits will just keep coming back with thesame useless excuses... on 'thescotty's comment is just classic...

06-07-2008, 01:57 PM
get out of the thread then if you think its so useless grandpa

06-07-2008, 02:52 PM

poor little Johnny... only 4 points on your license.. the world is so unfair.

fact - i might be a little older than you but i don't cry about an uneven playing field!

06-07-2008, 05:04 PM
the only uneven playing field we have friend is that u cant get hard when ur having sex your boyfriend but i can ^_^ its good to be young all that stamina LOL

06-07-2008, 05:16 PM

I speak for myself, but I'm sure sinistr wil agree.....going by you 're comments and general attitude, your are only good enough to be a "P" plater!

It is because of people with your attitude that causes the type of restrictions that "P" platers have to face.

My last advice for you mate....."GROW UP", if you wanna be treated fairly and on par with your full licence peers, then behave like it!


06-07-2008, 05:38 PM
john procter is the only one with a valid argument here, most others sound like they are writing for current affairs latest report on "how to discriminate against p platers"

I am a P plater. I'd be happy to share my view on a current affairs.
Dont give cops a reason to fine you. If you speed you are giving them a reason. Discrimination????? I think its cops are doing their jobs mate.

When a cop gets you for speeding and u were 10 under thats discrimination.

06-07-2008, 05:52 PM
John's complaint isn't aimed at the cops, its aimed at maybe the RTA for the fact that full licenced drivers get 12 points, which means alot more leniancy, and P platers with less experience get 4 points, an immediate suspension for an offence that a full licenced driver probly wouldn't even get pullled over for (driving 5k's over the limit)

06-07-2008, 05:57 PM
yeah what he said, i didn't say anything about cops, just how the media blows P platers out of proportion all the time

06-07-2008, 06:19 PM
im from sydney NSW

so im gonna only get my liscense suspended right.. do i have to go for a driving test once my suspension is over?

2 of my speeding fines was only over the limit by 5ks both in school zones and the other speeding fine was for street racing but was let off with a lil fine and 4 demerits so i guess i was lucky there..
and ran 2 red lights in one day driving someone to hospital.

thanks for the info guys. much appreciation.

you can appeal the red lights in court i did.. i think i ran about 6 red lights with a few cameras when i was driving my then gf at the time to the hospital.. also on red p's took the fines to court and explained the situation.. told me to call an ambulance next time and let me off lol

06-07-2008, 06:26 PM
yes iam a p plater.. do you take into consideration that p platers can lose their license MUCH easier than full licensed drivers? if we are caught doing 2km/h or 20km/h over the limit we lose our license for 3months.. have you considered that we only have a quarter of the points that full licensed drivers have? also have you considered that we can lose our license for petty things like having more than 1 passenger after 11pm.. if u take all that into consideration then it might hit you, that there might be "other" reasons behind so many p platers losing their license.

Do realise how lame you sound.

The reason why so many p platers loose their licenses is because they get behind the wheel and leave themselves open to get picked on by the cops for doin stupid shit.

I have both my car and bike liscences and sat both test seperatley and past first attempts. Have not lost my license or points. The only person responsable to losing there license is the person behind the wheel.

I have 2 friends who drive heavily modified 180sx. They both have lost their licences for doing stupid shit like speeding and drifting on public roads.

My point is if your going to do stupid crap then its your own fault if you get caught.

Race and speed on a track not on the road... if not don't whinge about losing points or your liscense

06-07-2008, 06:32 PM
I think people should try and not compare P platers to full licensed drivers, full licensed drivers have 12 demerits because they've EARNED it.

It might have been easier before but in this day and age, you EARN your points by driving and obeying the law, not disregarding it.

I'm a P-plater myself and I just got busted for speeding twice in the same night, except I got off on a warning. Was he targeting me because I have my P's? No I doubt it, he was probably targeting me because I was speeding like an idiot even if it was just to the petrol station 30 seconds from my house.
I learnt my lesson and I'm thanking my lucky stars that I didn't get an instant 3 months suspension + 7 demerits + $900 fine. I honestly think that I deserved to be suspended, but I definately won't be speeding on the streets anymore where I could endanger other people.

If you speed, you deserve what's coming to you. If you're a P-plater, quit saying it's not fair compared to full licensed drivers, they've earned the right to have 12 demerits by obeying the law (or at least not getting caught) for that long. If you want your 12 points, obey the law and drive safely, then you'll have earned it when you get your full license in the 3 odd years of P plates.

06-07-2008, 06:43 PM
I think people should try and not compare P platers to full licensed drivers, full licensed drivers have 12 demerits because they've EARNED it.

It might have been easier before but in this day and age, you EARN your points by driving and obeying the law, not disregarding it.

I'm a P-plater myself and I just got busted for speeding twice in the same night, except I got off on a warning. Was he targeting me because I have my P's? No I doubt it, he was probably targeting me because I was speeding like an idiot even if it was just two the petrol station 30 seconds from my house.
I learnt my lesson and I'm thanking my lucky stars that I didn't get an instant 3 months suspension + 7 demerits + $900 fine. I honestly think that I deserved to be suspended but I definately won't be speeding on the streets where I could endanger other people.

If you speed, you deserve what's coming to you. If you're a P-plater, quit saying it's not fair compared to full licensed drivers, they've earned the right to have 12 demerits by obeying the law (or at least not getting caught) for that long. If you want your 12 points, obey the law and drive safely, then you'll have earned it when you get your full license in the 3 odd years of P plates.

you bring up good points so i wont argue especially the part where full licensed drivers earn their points, unlike some of other dropkicks in the thread

06-07-2008, 06:49 PM

I speak for myself, but I'm sure sinistr wil agree.....going by you 're comments and general attitude, your are only good enough to be a "P" plater!

It is because of people with your attitude that causes the type of restrictions that "P" platers have to face.

My last advice for you mate....."GROW UP", if you wanna be treated fairly and on par with your full licence peers, then behave like it!


thats quite harsh but i know where your coming from.. but you also need to factor that all p platers arent the image that the media portrays.. ive seen some pretty ghstaly driving done by full licence people.. been cut off almost hit.. yet im the one to blame cos i brandish p platers.. the world jsut needs to be more accepting you CANNOT stereotype that all p platers are street racesr and immature drivers.. or that all full licence drivers are legal drivers.. but i do agree.. ive seen some pretty bad p plater drivers as well.. sigh.. we all cop the blame for other peopels mistakes..

06-07-2008, 06:51 PM
thats quite harsh but i know where your coming from.. but you also need to factor that all p platers arent the image that the media portrays.. ive seen some pretty ghstaly driving done by full licence people.. been cut off almost hit.. yet im the one to blame cos i brandish p platers.. the world jsut needs to be more accepting you CANNOT stereotype that all p platers are street racesr and immature drivers.. or that all full licence drivers are legal drivers.. but i do agree.. ive seen some pretty bad p plater drivers as well.. sigh.. we all cop the blame for other peopels mistakes..

POW some one buy this man a beer

06-07-2008, 07:07 PM
thats quite harsh but i know where your coming from.. but you also need to factor that all p platers arent the image that the media portrays.. ive seen some pretty ghstaly driving done by full licence people.. been cut off almost hit.. yet im the one to blame cos i brandish p platers.. the world jsut needs to be more accepting you CANNOT stereotype that all p platers are street racesr and immature drivers.. or that all full licence drivers are legal drivers.. but i do agree.. ive seen some pretty bad p plater drivers as well.. sigh.. we all cop the blame for other peopels mistakes..

Mate, I agree! There are horrible drivers out there who have never been infringed for anything in their life!

Point I'm trying to make is, yes you are under the spotlight when you're a "P" plater.

Thats life, just like the new guy at work or the new mechanic apprentice who was sent to get a "long weight" for a carby and stands at the parts shop register for 2 hours whilst the bosses are laughing and he relises what is happening.

Bad drivers always give the rest a bad name. Unfortunately the restrictions on "P" platers are quite valid from my point of view. If you're ganna fu#k up now and speed and race etc......hows getting 12 point gonna make you a better person?

The points system is a way to gauge whether you're a driver of good character and not necessarily if you're a good driver! You may be a good driver, but if you continue to break the law you lose your points.

06-07-2008, 07:25 PM
just curious about the whole good behavior bond thing, if your suspended for 12 months from drink driving can you get that option of good behavior bond?
Do they give you the option during your court case?

06-07-2008, 07:39 PM
It's up to the judge I think, they can be awesome and go lenient on you, or seriously eff you over for a long time.

06-07-2008, 07:48 PM
just curious about the whole good behavior bond thing, if your suspended for 12 months from drink driving can you get that option of good behavior bond?
Do they give you the option during your court case?

You are generally suspended until you go to court. Then the magistrate decides from there what you punishment is. I think minium is 3 mths for low range and 6 - 12 for mid/high range. You can suggest to the magistrate why you should be put on a good behaviour bond, but ultimately its up to him.

I'd expect a hard time if you were any higher than low range. But if you are suspended prior to court, I assume it was higher than low range.

06-07-2008, 08:00 PM
you bring up good points so i wont argue especially the part where full licensed drivers earn their points, unlike some of other dropkicks in the thread

damn you're a real 'NOOB' mate... perhaps apart from earning your points on your license you could also 'learn' to read???

You're a new driver, no experience and you expect to get the same benefits as people who have done the time and gained the experience.?? as if!

I said that few pages back.... and now you agree with it...

just to clear things up - im not discriminating against anyone or picking on p-platers for that matter, i've been there and done all that - and i've been caught before doing some dumb shit... its about 'learning' and as harsh as these penalties sound - they are there for your fkn benefit. They might be a hinderance now because you want your 'freedom' and you want to rebel against every rule set against you but for farks sake ... listen and try to understand these rules won't last - you'll be soon in thesame boat as everyone else and perhaps then you might see it the way the 'experienced' drivers see the rules 'unexperienced' drivers don't want to see...

06-07-2008, 08:38 PM
good on yaaa mate

09-07-2008, 07:55 PM
got let off for 2 redlight cams woo hoo!

09-07-2008, 08:02 PM
congrats mate how'd you go about doing that?

09-07-2008, 09:27 PM
rote letter and sending them the original copy of doc cert.
still left with 3 speeding fines tho so yeh.. at least 3-6 months suspension for that so all is good.