View Full Version : Re-Installing Original Aitfilter? ek cxi

04-07-2008, 09:46 PM
Hey guys,

Just got back home and got defected for my wheels and my airfilter... the officer was poliet and doing her job.. she told me she wouldnt of given me a defect but some one else was with her so ye.. no points deducted nor fine.. she gave me 3 weeks to do em aswell

so basically is it really hard to reinstall original airfilter from the pod filter???

i was going to change em both anyway but didnt casue of my lazyness now i got an excuse to do so!

so yeah if any1 can help me out would like it..

also would any1 want to swap wheels wif me?? would like 16.. but black instead of chrome ..

thanks guys

04-07-2008, 10:55 PM
man the badluck just doesn't stop for you dude
if you already have the stock intake its easy
depending on what setup you have, just follow the pipe and unscrew whatever clamps you have and pull it out
the original one should have the intake arm(plastic black arm which connects to your airbox.. only goes one way)
clamp it to the throttle body then just put your airbox in place, pull the intake pip up a bit and jimmy it into place and just line up your airbox and screw it down

04-07-2008, 11:19 PM
sweet thnx dude
casue the arm to the pod filter is from the original anyway.. its just gotta take out the pod n put the original one in

04-07-2008, 11:21 PM
if thats the case yeah
if you're going to the meet tomorrow bring the box, i'm sure someone can give you a hand

05-07-2008, 12:10 AM
ye cbf tho lol just might take it to my mech to do it and the pink slip for the dectect clearence so ye =(

05-07-2008, 12:13 AM
come on dude its like a 2 minute job hehe
just take your box out
and compare it to where its supposed to go.. anyone should be able to work it out without too many drama's
gotta learn one way or another :)