View Full Version : noob Qs for manual car

07-08-2008, 01:35 PM
hi all,

been driving my new manual euro for a few months now (from driving auto for 5 years), have some noob questions.

1. on a manual car, when you go too slow for the gear you're in you'll stall right? Say I'm travelling at 80km/h on gear 5 and I suddenly need to slam the brakes, what should i do with the clutch? if I don't clutch in and slam brakes (assuming no ABS) and all 4 wheels lock instantly will the car stall straight away?

2. When parking with a manual, we put the car into first gear to prevent it from rolling. If the hand brakes are enough to stop the car from moving, is putting it in gear still needed?

The reason I'm worried about this is say if I'm parked on the streets (with handbrakes on and gear in 1st) and I suddently get rear ended and the car gets pushed say 10 meters, what damage will this do becuase the car is in 1st gear? Will the repairers fix the damage caused by the car being forcefully pushed while parked in gear? Anyone had any experience?


07-08-2008, 01:46 PM
1. clutch in + slam brakes and be ready to throw it into an appropriate gear to get you out of trouble
2. it's good practice to put it into gear too as a fail safe
if the handbrake fails, the compression from the motor will prevent your gearbox from moving thus stop your front wheels from moving
if you leave it in neutral your wheels can move freely

if your car took enough force while parked and in gear from behind and be pushed 10 meters, i'd say you'd have bigger problems than a few busted gears in the gearbox

07-08-2008, 01:48 PM
q1, yes the car will stall

q2, in normal flat roads when i park i only put my handbrake on, but on a hill i always put my car in gear, just incase the handbrake fail

07-08-2008, 03:26 PM
If it is an emergency brake, the quickest way to stop is to go hard on the brakes. Who cars if the engine stalls. But if it is not really an emergency and you have an extra 0.5 seconds, you can hard brake and then clutch in once you feel you have scrubbed off enough speed.

07-08-2008, 03:41 PM
you should brake hard and clutch in at the same time...if you have been driving manual for long enough then it should be natural...
that way if you need to take off again, you just select the appropriate gear and floor it...

if your car is fwd and you lock the front wheels then that will stall your engine i guess if you don't clutch in.

07-08-2008, 03:51 PM
q1 - It will stall when the revs get too low. it will not stall straight away. The proper way is brake hard and drop a gear if you can rem, but sometimes in emergencies your not gonna be able to do that

q2 - only ever used hand brake on really scary hills, otherwise blah....

07-08-2008, 03:58 PM
definitely put it in gear when you park..my car nearly rolled down the hill because i was relying on the handbrake.

07-08-2008, 04:14 PM
also experiment a little...most cars will be fine in second as long as the car is still moving...even if you are going 2kph or something lol..when you are about to stop you will feel the car shudder/stall
if you are in 5th gear and you brake slowly down to 10kph the engine probably won't stall but it will shudder earlier than if you were in second gear...

07-08-2008, 04:20 PM
For question 1, if the engine stalls from braking, will the front wheels be locked due to it being in gear?

07-08-2008, 04:30 PM
if you lock the wheels and the car is still in gear then the car will stall.
it's like letting go of the clutch in gear when you are stationary...

07-08-2008, 10:27 PM
Slightly off topic...

Say normally when you see a tow truck.. they obviously lift the front if its FWD and lift the rear if its RWD to tow the car away to prevent damage to engine/gearbox...what do they do when its a AWD??

08-08-2008, 12:55 AM
neutral, handbrake down and chance it? seems pretty unavoidable really

08-08-2008, 02:44 AM
i havent seen that style of tow truck in yonks. only ones i've seen go around these days and ones that have picked my cars up are the full flat bed ones; your whole car is on the back of the truck chained down

08-08-2008, 09:41 AM
Holy shit man, driving for 5 months and your still not getting manual.... maybe you should be on our roads man.

$5 says theres a thread on here in like 6 months with like "OMG just crashed, whos fault is it"

Slightly off topic...

Say normally when you see a tow truck.. they obviously lift the front if its FWD and lift the rear if its RWD to tow the car away to prevent damage to engine/gearbox...what do they do when its a AWD??

They put rollers under the wheels

08-08-2008, 09:58 AM

08-08-2008, 11:02 AM
1. everyone can tell u anything they want but in reality when it comes down to it then its all up to your instincts.

if you ever find your self in that situation that requires such hard braking that your brakes lock up you'd be more focused on trying to unload the pressure on the brakes whist still enough to avoid crashing into what was infront of you.

if you happen to clutch in then bonus, if not then what ever.

and no it doesn't lock up straight away because usually by the time you've managed to slow down the car enough you'll then have time to whack in the clutch for the final stop.

2. it's always good to stick your gear into 1st (or even reverse?) when on really steep hills. flat ground isn't so important. but once i parked and was in a rush and proli didn't fully engage the hand brake so i returned to my car having a nice make-out session with the curb!

and like someone else mentioned earlier if someone hits ur car then damage to ur engine because ur in gear is the least of ur probs.

08-08-2008, 11:21 AM
i always put my car in gear when parked, lol ive had it roll on me before, i put it in reverse on a steep incline when im nose down.

08-08-2008, 12:06 PM
this is slightly off topic but still to do with manual cos i came from an auto car too, i can drive manual but not really sure how to launch properly lol, wat are ur guys techniques?
at what revs do u shift? and which gear is optimal to engage vtec?

08-08-2008, 12:20 PM
you talking about on the street or at the track?
i'm sure most of us don't 'launch' our cars on the street(or rather you shouldn't!)
it's all about feel really
revs? whatever's comfortable without laboring the motor, again feel
vtec? depends how fast you're going and what gearbox you're running

08-08-2008, 12:24 PM
i think he means lift off maybe.. let getting from a stop to a go lol..

and i think vtec engaging.. just what ever gear will get the revs up faster..

08-08-2008, 12:27 PM
yeah like stop start.. not sure which gear 2 engage vtec ,, like tried gear 1 no good lol

08-08-2008, 12:49 PM
hi all,

been driving my new manual euro for a few months now (from driving auto for 5 years), have some noob questions.

1. on a manual car, when you go too slow for the gear you're in you'll stall right? Say I'm travelling at 80km/h on gear 5 and I suddenly need to slam the brakes, what should i do with the clutch? if I don't clutch in and slam brakes (assuming no ABS) and all 4 wheels lock instantly will the car stall straight away?

2. When parking with a manual, we put the car into first gear to prevent it from rolling. If the hand brakes are enough to stop the car from moving, is putting it in gear still needed?

The reason I'm worried about this is say if I'm parked on the streets (with handbrakes on and gear in 1st) and I suddently get rear ended and the car gets pushed say 10 meters, what damage will this do becuase the car is in 1st gear? Will the repairers fix the damage caused by the car being forcefully pushed while parked in gear? Anyone had any experience?


1. hard brake > clutch in > change to appropriate gear > drive off or brake which ever occurs first.

No clutch in > more of less likely to stall the car
Locking 4 wheels > Result of stalling a car

2. recommended from RTA or anyone that hill start requires first gear because incase handbrake fails, you don't need to but it's safer depending on elevation. Vice versa if your facing downhill, Reverse gear.

It would be similiar to having your car roll down a hill with handbrake on.
Not much damage, would be more worried about your bodywork required after.

NOTE: If your going 80km/h, you shouldn't be going too close to someone's bum anyhow, 5 car lengths safety first.

yeah like stop start.. not sure which gear 2 engage vtec ,, like tried gear 1 no good lol
What's your vtec engage point/RPM?

For my euro, Normally i get out of 1st in 5000rpm, quick shift to 2nd and rev up hit it within a couple of 2nds.
Changeover is at 5700-5800RPM.

08-08-2008, 01:42 PM
i launch at every light almost till i get the the speed limit.
I just don't do it too much that i do a burnout. And i use to redline 1st everytime and half way up 2nd to get to 60km.

Nowadays i just keep it under vtec cos i get too much wheelspin on road when i hit vtec

08-08-2008, 03:50 PM
[2. recommended from RTA or anyone that hill start requires first gear because incase handbrake fails, you don't need to but it's safer depending on elevation. Vice versa if your facing downhill, Reverse gear.

does this mean the car can still roll forward when parked in gear one?

if stalling while braking hard, wouldnt that be pretty dangerous cos front wheels will get locked and you will loose control of the car?

08-08-2008, 03:53 PM
the car *can* roll anyway if the handbrake gives way and isn't in gear

which is why i suggested clutch in and slam the brakes and move it into an appropriate gear to get you out of trouble
clutch in = no stall

09-08-2008, 08:25 AM
does this mean the car can still roll forward when parked in gear one?

if stalling while braking hard, wouldnt that be pretty dangerous cos front wheels will get locked and you will loose control of the car?

if you feel your about to stall > clutch in.

when you stall your car it would still roll (if in motion or if facing up/downhill), but because your applying your brakes you will slow down.
locked wheels mainly occurs with cars without ABS more often.

no you won't lose control of the car, you are steering the car and in your situation you were going straight.

if your saying your going around a roundabout at 50-60kmh+ and you stall then your more likely to get into trouble.


not in Oz but still relevant

09-08-2008, 02:21 PM
I know how ABS works, my question was if parked facing downhill in gear one instead of reverse, will the car still roll down?

09-08-2008, 02:53 PM
I know how ABS works, my question was if parked facing downhill in gear one instead of reverse, will the car still roll down?

THe difference is the gear ratio. Reverse has a shorter ratio than 1st. If the hill is steep enough, your car can still roll backwards even if it was in 1st gear. I've tried it.

09-08-2008, 06:35 PM
THe difference is the gear ratio. Reverse has a shorter ratio than 1st. If the hill is steep enough, your car can still roll backwards even if it was in 1st gear. I've tried it.

Oh, so putting it in reverse works for both facing uphill and downhill, thanks. I though if parking facing down hill you should use reverse and when facing up hill to use gear 1.

09-08-2008, 10:12 PM
i park facing down all the time and use 1st, no prob

09-08-2008, 10:17 PM
as long as its on gear it will be fine la... :p