View Full Version : Just purchased my coilovers

29-09-2008, 02:06 PM
Hi guys i just purchased a set of Buddy Club N+ Coilovers for my 06 Euro :D:D

I now require a rear camber kit, because i was not able to buy one from the place that i bought my coilovers from.

I would like to know if there is any other place that i can purchase an Ingalls rear camber kit from in Sydney besides JDM Yard which is unable to get them atm.

I do not want to go with a budget brand such as "Kmac", if anyone can point me in the direction of an establishment where i can pick up ingalls kit from i will appreciate it alot.



29-09-2008, 02:12 PM
mmm, most would recommend Ingalls camber kit, they are the best ones imo. Ive got a set myself and it was from JDMyard too. pity on the wait though. Other than that i remember looking on eBay as there was a shop over in the US that sold them, but of course being eBay probably not alot of trust there. Bcoz with them buddyclub coilovers you got, you can drop the car realli low. Low as in front and rear tyres tucking in. And since with such a big drop your gonna get heaps of neg camber and so the Ingalls has alot of versatility.
How long did JDMYard say the wait was gonna be? can you wait for it or you realli eager to slam the car? :)
Congratz on the purchase man, the drop will be hottt.

29-09-2008, 02:31 PM
Nah actually quite a few of us got the ingalls camber kit off ebay.
I did as well, and the wait was at max 2 weeks.

29-09-2008, 02:57 PM
Thanks mate i cant wait to slam it :)

Yes JDM yard are actually looking for a new supplier as the old one was not reliable.

Umm im really stuck as i have heard such good things about the ingalls camber kits so i dont really want to opt for a lesser product.

There has to be another place in sydney that can get them in for us...

29-09-2008, 03:23 PM
BUY THE SET FROM .QD (CHRIS) he should have two sets.
His in Sydney blacktown area.

29-09-2008, 04:12 PM
im sorry exactly what is ".QD" ? ? ? ?

29-09-2008, 04:23 PM
Thats a member on OH.
Daz meant to get in contact with him as he might have a set of Ingalls rear camber kit for sale.

29-09-2008, 04:28 PM
Cheers i sent .QD a message.

29-09-2008, 04:59 PM
im sorry exactly what is ".QD" ? ? ? ?

Rofl sorry i should have been more specific.

:p Thumbs up if you are able to get a set from him.

29-09-2008, 06:38 PM
Get an SPC camber kit.

29-09-2008, 07:08 PM
Thanx for the free plug Daz :). 2 PM's responded to regarding the camber kit.

Edit: Oh and I too have N+. Getting it installed tomorrow. Yay! No finger gap ftw on stockies!

29-09-2008, 07:08 PM
no worries, well trying to help him as i don't know anyone else who sources ingalls camberkit besides jdmyard in OZ.

George euro
29-09-2008, 10:59 PM
LOL TRUST ME IF ANY1 KNOWS ITS ME dont mean to be rude or cocky guys but firstly doesnt matter how wondeful ur camber kit is because their is only so much u can do before it is to close to the guard my camber is so massive now its not funny and i have a camber kt and it wont do sh#t because my rims r less that 1mm from the guard thats with the camber kit obviosly bringing it that close but what im saying is u still cant even bring it out alot to even worry bout how long they are beacuse their is only some much u can do wen ur low as the car naturally cambers to tuck UNDER the guard not INTO it :)

29-09-2008, 11:06 PM
georgie boy!!

but each to their own, better to have camber then no camber kit at all and also optimal to have it as not everyone is going to be running 20".

George euro
29-09-2008, 11:09 PM
georgie boy!!

but each to their own, better to have camber then no camber kit at all and also optimal to have it as not everyone is going to be running 20".

yes yes very correct i am not saying not to have a camber kit i have 1 to to at least Minimis it but i dunno why it needs to be BRAND specific thats all :) i doubt u will ever need the ful reach of the arm u wont get 0 camber it wil rub

29-09-2008, 11:12 PM
Spot on Daz.

Yeah, as on my previous post. Im staying with stockies dropping until there's no finger gap all round or slight tuck'age. Camber kit will serve it's purpose.

As for brand, I think coz lotsa people have them and have good experience with them, thats why people want them? I know thats why I bought the Ingalls. But thats me.

29-09-2008, 11:15 PM
Thats coz you slammed the rear and have huge freakin wheels. The other person might not op for such huge wheels. They might want to go for smaller JDM wheels for performance and handling where the camber kit will help reduce tyre wear from their 'sprited driving'.

So just because the camber kit didnt really work out for you, doesnt mean its gonna be useless for others.

George euro
29-09-2008, 11:15 PM
Spot on Daz.

Yeah, as on my previous post. Im staying with stockies dropping until there's no finger gap all round or slight tuck'age. Camber kit will serve it's purpose.

yeah true true, pedders suspension sells camber kits for euros in grandville i paid like 210 does the job for me
lol god knows wat it done prob brough it from like -7 to like -5 lol but obviosly my faulty for going that low

30-09-2008, 09:06 AM
.QD you have it mate, the reason i want ingalls is because like you said many people have had positive feedback with them and recommend them.

On the otherhand when you purchase good quality things you want to make sure everything is of a high quality, you dont want to mix poor quality with good.

Like they say "do it right the first time, you wont have to do it again"

30-09-2008, 09:58 AM
why people slam euros with stupid wheels and camber settings is beyond me. Please go and buy a WRX.

30-09-2008, 10:01 AM
why people slam euros with stupid wheels and camber settings is beyond me. Please go and buy a WRX.

coz not everyone is "jdm"?

30-09-2008, 10:28 AM
coz not everyone is "jdm"?
says Sir To-be-slammer gadget whore!

why not be jdm and slammer at the same time!!
2 birds with one stone.

30-09-2008, 10:39 AM
coz not everyone is "jdm"?

I dont even understand that sentence.

Jdm is irrelevant to me. Slamming a car with mega "look at me rims" and doof doofing around is juvenile. Thats all im saying.

30-09-2008, 10:51 AM
I dont even understand that sentence.

Jdm is irrelevant to me. Slamming a car with mega "look at me rims" and doof doofing around is juvenile. Thats all im saying.

Each to their own i guess, i prefer performance orientated mods.

But at the same time i can appreciate massive drop on massive rims, i just wouldnt do it to my own car.

BTW i've got the SPC camber kit, chose it cause i didnt need to relocate my HID leveler.

George euro
30-09-2008, 10:58 AM
why people slam euros with stupid wheels and camber settings is beyond me. Please go and buy a WRX.

a WRX is a whole diffent look have u ever heard of luxury look mate. ppl love to be smart assess, about the camber im not saying dont get 1 if any1 read properly im saying most camber kits will do perfectly fine it doesnt have to be BRAND specific

30-09-2008, 01:15 PM
why people slam euros with stupid wheels and camber settings is beyond me. Please go and buy a WRX.

I personally like the slammed and big rim look, always have and always will.. I think the euro is the perfect looking car for it too.. If anything it's the other way around performance cars such as the wrx shouldnt have their handling compromised by doing so..

Like anything aesthetic and design orientated, it's subjective.. just like not everyone likes the look of cheap small gold wheels on a red car. :p

30-09-2008, 01:19 PM
just like not everyone likes the look of cheap small gold wheels on a red car. :p

Your absolutely right and those people ( doof doof p plater slammed try hard brigade) are the sorts of people more euro owners avoid like the plague.

I dont consider 18 inch small, no one here does. except you and your peeps. How much did my rims cost then since you have paranormal insight into my activities?

30-09-2008, 01:24 PM
Your absolutely right and those people ( doof doof p plater slammed try hard brigade) are the sorts of people more euro owners avoid like the plague.

More sweeping generalisations? I'm on standard rims at standard ride height by the way, and I haven't been a P plater since the late 90's.. Your the ricer here, don't play yourself.

30-09-2008, 01:33 PM
Sorry I revise to "doof doof try hard" that should get you back in nicely.

Just accept you have been owned and stop hijacking this thread with your childish comments.

30-09-2008, 01:38 PM
Sorry I revise to "doof doof try hard" that should get you back in nicely.

Just accept you have been owned and stop hijacking this thread with your childish comments.


Like arguing with a 5yr old.. Speedy wheels FTW! :thumbdwn:

Anyway the point is.. if the guy wants a camber kit who are you to judge him?

30-09-2008, 01:49 PM
I am!!!

Camber kit rules with super duper negative camber!!


Now you two, kiss and make up! puahahah

30-09-2008, 01:54 PM
case closed!

30-09-2008, 02:33 PM
Im just screwing around fishing for some agro and succeeding. Lol. Some people are easy to rev up.

I got the ingalls camber kit. Its works very well and reliably. Its was about $250 landed. A lot of have this and its all good.

30-09-2008, 02:59 PM
Where is the pash!!!


George euro
30-09-2008, 06:07 PM
SUNTZU i dunno wat ur problem is but something is wrong. every1 else on this forum seems nice and holds their opinions to them self to a certain extent like ur entitled to ur opinion but urs are just sad n immature for example CRAPDAZ has a whole differant syle to my ride i went on the cruise with him i liked his car his set up he liked man and simple im not going to say anything rude about his taste in cars its just not mature. (CRAPDAZ i had to use u as an example due to ur good nature lol)

AND VTE18C your a champion lol

30-09-2008, 07:29 PM
lol this thread becoming more agressive every day :D btw hot car mate ! ! ! keep up the good job wads mods next ?

George euro
30-09-2008, 07:37 PM
lol this thread becoming more agressive every day :D btw hot car mate ! ! ! keep up the good job wads mods next ?

lol thanks alot mate next mod is a system, might go darker tints, n next year its either getting sold or turbo :)

30-09-2008, 07:45 PM
SUNTZU i dunno wat ur problem is but something is wrong. every1 else on this forum seems nice and holds their opinions to them self to a certain extent like ur entitled to ur opinion but urs are just sad n immature for example CRAPDAZ has a whole differant syle to my ride i went on the cruise with him i liked his car his set up he liked man and simple im not going to say anything rude about his taste in cars its just not mature. (CRAPDAZ i had to use u as an example due to ur good nature lol)

AND VTE18C your a champion lol

WTF? I need a translator man.

George euro
30-09-2008, 07:58 PM
WTF? I need a translator man.

nothing to translate thats the english language spoken here on ozhonda :) anywayz well and truley over it. drop it

30-09-2008, 08:03 PM
LOL yes, this is turning into a funny thread. Theres a few new personalities on the CL9 section I see and not many used to my straight shooting..

Everyone's entitled to an opinion about things, thats what the forums for guys. I just take offence to petty insults like being called a ricer ( when everyone here who knows me know im the opposite of this) and kiddy comments like "speedy wheels FTW." Thats just plain dumb.

Have we actually helped the OP? I think so. Lets move on.

George euro
30-09-2008, 08:05 PM
well i never said anything personal :) to begin with so i see my self out of this now .
LOL yes, this is turning into a funny thread. Theres a few new personalities on the CL9 section I see and not many used to my straight shooting..

Everyone's entitled to an opinion about things, thats what the forums for guys. I just take offence to petty insults like being called a ricer ( when everyone here who knows me know im the opposite of this) and kiddy comments like "speedy wheels FTW." Thats just plain dumb.

Have we actually helped the OP? I think so. Lets move on.

30-09-2008, 08:16 PM
LOL stop arguing !!! we all have a great looking cars happy now :D

30-09-2008, 08:37 PM
geeeeez! what happened here?

Gotta love your insults Darren. Stop it now, ur starting to hurt my feelings. haha. Quit spamming and organise the next cruise. :)

Anyways this is for pauly. N+ and Ingalls camber kit installed.


Moral of the story... dont go that low with stockies, unless you like to scrape everywhere. I'm getting them adjusted once the coil-overs settles, and it's gonna get raised a few inches... maybe 1" :)

30-09-2008, 09:04 PM
that is hawt !!! luving that camber too :D wat setting of camber is dat

30-09-2008, 09:22 PM
they just matched the stock camber and toe. will get them sorted after a week when the coil-overs get re-adjusted, then ill get wheel alignment.

30-09-2008, 09:34 PM
Yep. I ran mine as is from the install place for 2 weeks. Then I re-adjusted height. Then I got the alignment to my specifications at Jax tyres. Totally sweet after that.

It will settle in for a bit and you got to come to a happy medium on what height your comfortable with. Then finalise the alignment.

George euro
30-09-2008, 10:01 PM
lol i would love to throw stockies on for the fun of it n see were my car would sit

30-09-2008, 11:25 PM
Faaa .QD, looks farkin nice.
Scraping things yet? :p

30-09-2008, 11:32 PM
Faaa .QD, looks farkin nice.
Scraping things yet? :p

I sure am. lol. Meet my driveway.
Photo taken this morning before I got the car done. See the gap between the side skirt and the ground... well, you should see it now. I cant park on that same spot now. haha.

30-09-2008, 11:36 PM
LMFAO, so if you went slow enough and stopped halfway car be like see-saw? LOL
Them pics in other post, pretty sure BigPauly is gonna be sooo eager to get his BC C/O on.

30-09-2008, 11:38 PM
Damn that's gangsta!!!

btw i dont think your able to get into your driveway am i right? only if your angled and slowly ????


WHY AM I THE EURO ORGANISER?????!?!?!??!?! maybe in the holidays after semester is over.

30-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Damn that's gangsta!!!

btw i dont think your able to get into your driveway am i right? only if your angled and slowly ????


WHY AM I THE EURO ORGANISER?????!?!?!??!?! maybe in the holidays after semester is over.

reverse is fine. but once the front wheels meet the gutter, front under skirt scrapes. ouuch! so yeah i have to angle. once im on that driveway, i cant go any further. unless i want to see-saw. only for a week to have that silly height. if i had them SC1's then no gap ftw :thumbsup:.

AND YES YOUR THE PRESIDENT OF THAT EURO CAR CLUB OzHeuro! U've organised two already, you may aswell keep going. :D

01-10-2008, 12:17 AM
TRaNz linked me to tis thread. OMG, nice ride height .QD . car looking good man!

01-10-2008, 12:23 AM
TRaNz linked me to tis thread. OMG, nice ride height .QD . car looking good man!

thanx m8. wish i could flick a switch though to "get out of a tight spot" :) give me ur wheels, you need to buy a set anyways :p

01-10-2008, 02:30 AM
Nice stuff Chris!!!
only if u had them on for the cruise :p
and now ur car is TOO good to be rolling on stock rims!!!

01-10-2008, 07:16 AM
hey chris, you better watch out.

When they get worn in a bit, IMO from my teins it dropped me another finger.

Initially i started with 2fingers and ended up with about a tight 1 finger.


geeeeez! what happened here?

Gotta love your insults Darren. Stop it now, ur starting to hurt my feelings. haha. Quit spamming and organise the next cruise. :)

Anyways this is for pauly. N+ and Ingalls camber kit installed.


Moral of the story... dont go that low with stockies, unless you like to scrape everywhere. I'm getting them adjusted once the coil-overs settles, and it's gonna get raised a few inches... maybe 1" :)

01-10-2008, 08:18 AM
Nice stuff Chris!!!
only if u had them on for the cruise :p
and now ur car is TOO good to be rolling on stock rims!!!

rolling on stocks is gangsta! haha. if think if i had that height on the cruise i wouldnt have a front bumber :eek:

but yeah, wheels next. maybe january need to find a spare arm and leg to sell so i can buy the work wheels.

hey chris, you better watch out.

When they get worn in a bit, IMO from my teins it dropped me another finger.

Initially i started with 2fingers and ended up with about a tight 1 finger.


Thanks man, I'll keep it in mind. Btw, did you have to manually adjust your headlights when you lowered your car? Coz atm mine is pointing down! Beam hits only the bumper of cars doesnt even get upto the number plates (i wont be getting flashed now, haha). Not sure if the HID sensor is meant to compensate a little bit, coz my fronts aint connected atm. N+ cant take the OEM front mount. I'm gonna have to make a ghetto mount for the front.

01-10-2008, 08:33 AM

Maaaann i cant freakin wait to do mine :):)

That looks sooo sexy man .QD your gonna be turnin a lot of heads bro :)

I hope my cars done before the next euro cruise, i dont wanna miss that :D:D:D

AND .QD you got to give us a side shot of the entire car man so we can see how it sits bro :D:D:D

01-10-2008, 09:08 AM
that's it I'm doing mine now too! BOOM! :thumbsup:

01-10-2008, 10:27 AM
you'll need to play around with it i was doing it while car was running and wheel turned full right.

Was scared my hand would touch the driveshaft....

The most i get is just under the plate up close, but from faraway i hit front cars plates and sometiimes the whole rear windscreen.

Meet up with me sometime and we'll compare.

Give us a call on 0438118168, damn i am going to put my rear lower tonight or tomorrow or something.

rolling on stocks is gangsta! haha. if think if i had that height on the cruise i wouldnt have a front bumber :eek:

but yeah, wheels next. maybe january need to find a spare arm and leg to sell so i can buy the work wheels.

Thanks man, I'll keep it in mind. Btw, did you have to manually adjust your headlights when you lowered your car? Coz atm mine is pointing down! Beam hits only the bumper of cars doesnt even get upto the number plates (i wont be getting flashed now, haha). Not sure if the HID sensor is meant to compensate a little bit, coz my fronts aint connected atm. N+ cant take the OEM front mount. I'm gonna have to make a ghetto mount for the front.

01-10-2008, 12:18 PM
its a revolution of slammed euros :D:D:D Next euro cruise is gonna be hektik seems like theres gonna be lots of slammed euros :D

.QD i just called "IS Motor racing" they seem like great people and i will be going there to get my BC coilovers and camber kit installed :) Thanks for the reference mate .

Honestly without some of the info from you guys here i would be screwed so thank you all !

Top stuff!

01-10-2008, 01:48 PM
its a revolution of slammed euros :D:D:D Next euro cruise is gonna be hektik seems like theres gonna be lots of slammed euros :D

.QD i just called "IS Motor racing" they seem like great people and i will be going there to get my BC coilovers and camber kit installed :) Thanks for the reference mate .

Honestly without some of the info from you guys here i would be screwed so thank you all !

Top stuff!

np dude and yeah, paul and indy from IS are great, paul did the install. :thumbsup:

01-10-2008, 08:01 PM
some side shots.


01-10-2008, 08:10 PM
were you lying down on the ground like an idiot to take the first photo?

btw your stock wheels goes well with it being dumped still looks classy

01-10-2008, 08:21 PM
were you lying down on the ground like an idiot to take the first photo?

btw your stock wheels goes well with it being dumped still looks classy

nah, i just put the camera on the ground and set the timer :thumbsup:

i only have an Ixus50. point and shoot. no slr.

01-10-2008, 08:22 PM

i can bring my dad's slr (which he doesn't use) and be a newbie at using it. <-- next time.
IF i am not leading or for meet.

02-10-2008, 11:04 AM
Pauly, clean your inbox. Trying to send you something mate.

02-10-2008, 11:04 AM
Pauly, clean your inbox. Trying to send you something mate.

sorry chris i spammed his inbox!! kidding

btw how are the N+ going? are they extremely stiff?

02-10-2008, 11:57 AM
give you a demo next time i see ya. each to their own remember? ppl says N+ is the harshes... but i dont have an issue with it. it's on the middle setting all round atm. will adjust the front later on to stiffer. see if i complain then..

it's better than stock ride stiff. if that makes sense.

02-10-2008, 12:05 PM
give you a demo next time i see ya. each to their own remember? ppl says N+ is the harshes... but i dont have an issue with it. it's on the middle setting all round atm. will adjust the front later on to stiffer. see if i complain then..

it's better than stock ride stiff. if that makes sense.

not really, but yeh stock is too soft but i miss having it so comfy though.

02-10-2008, 12:27 PM
bags second! :p

hmmm maybe if i like it so much ill change from my teins :D

02-10-2008, 12:28 PM
bags second! :p

hmmm maybe if i like it so much ill change from my teins :D
sit in his rear so we can see if he scraps with full load!

02-10-2008, 12:32 PM
You guys make me want to lower my euro too now =o, dammit. Now the question is, which brand to get...

02-10-2008, 12:44 PM
I got the camber kit off .QD so thanks Crapdaz for the reference and .QD for the sale.

Should be about another 2 weeks and il have pics up of my ride decked on Buddy Club N+ and Ingalls camber kit :)

Pauly :D

02-10-2008, 01:10 PM
nice to know.

dump it like ghetto .QD.

02-10-2008, 01:37 PM
bags second! :p

hmmm maybe if i like it so much ill change from my teins :D

Alex, do you scrape @ Bakehouse Quarters in your car going up and down the ramp?

George euro
02-10-2008, 04:17 PM
yay every1 is dumping their euros lol welcome to the world of a car on its ass (which is a pain in the ass to lol)

02-10-2008, 06:39 PM
okay whoever has tein ss/flex/mfp or whatever coilovers.

When on 18", whats the finger distance you get from them on lowest at the rear and front etc.?

Just wondering.

Atm i dumped my rear the furthest my MFP can go and i can fit my index finger tightly.

02-10-2008, 09:22 PM
Alex, do you scrape @ Bakehouse Quarters in your car going up and down the ramp?

nope, i go heaps slow tho.

but i have hit the undercarriage on the first and only speed hump just before u turn up to the second level :(

okay whoever has tein ss/flex/mfp or whatever coilovers.

When on 18", whats the finger distance you get from them on lowest at the rear and front etc.?

Just wondering.

Atm i dumped my rear the furthest my MFP can go and i can fit my index finger tightly.

half a finger gap on the rear with my SS

02-10-2008, 09:26 PM
nope, i go heaps slow tho.

but i have hit the undercarriage on the first and only speed hump just before u turn up to the second level :(

half a finger gap on the rear with my SS
might need to drive it so the spring gets adjusted to the height. <--- also my camber would be playing part of the gapness.
thanks, alex.

02-10-2008, 09:30 PM
it might, but im running -1.5deg camber with mine.

and depends what u have in the boot :p

02-10-2008, 09:30 PM
i have nothing in the boot.

i have no idea what camber i am running, cause i fixed my own camber and toe recently.

03-10-2008, 02:23 AM
nope, i go heaps slow tho.

but i have hit the undercarriage on the first and only speed hump just before u turn up to the second level :(

i scrape when i get to the top floor at the ramp going slow and on an angle. slight scape'age, whatever is under me that's where it scrapes. other than that it's awesome.

cant wait to re-adjust slightly higher for now while stocks and get wheel alignment. steering wheel is off centre, slightly to the right atm.

03-10-2008, 06:35 AM
i scrape when i get to the top floor at the ramp going slow and on an angle. slight scape'age, whatever is under me that's where it scrapes. other than that it's awesome.

cant wait to re-adjust slightly higher for now while stocks and get wheel alignment. steering wheel is off centre, slightly to the right atm.

haha bummer man.

whats your gap at the front? and is it on the lowest setting at the F?

you know broadway shopping centre where they have those Trapezium metal humps.

I've slammed my LAB a couple of times going slow and straight.

03-10-2008, 08:45 AM
haha bummer man.

whats your gap at the front? and is it on the lowest setting at the F?

you know broadway shopping centre where they have those Trapezium metal humps.

I've slammed my LAB a couple of times going slow and straight.

Nah dude. It can go lo-lo-lo-lower. Gap at the front with bodykit is 11cm (front skirt to ground).

03-10-2008, 09:20 AM
what i mean is the tyre surface to the guard.
How many finger gap at the front?

03-10-2008, 09:37 AM
what i mean is the tyre surface to the guard.
How many finger gap at the front?

0 finger gap. if not slight tucking.

03-10-2008, 09:40 AM
0 finger gap. if not slight tucking.

i want to go lower on the front but scared it'll scrap ROFL!!!
damn i am so tired, going to change my MTF and oil today.
so damn hot!!!

03-10-2008, 09:42 AM
good luck, been outside a few times today and its so hot. office air con is so good :)

03-10-2008, 09:47 AM
man office aircon aint enough when u next to a window. im in our server room! now thats cool!

03-10-2008, 09:57 AM
lol, i sit next to our office lil server area haha so ive got like a personal aircon =P me n the servers share it hahaha

03-10-2008, 10:06 AM
damn IT guys!!!!

i am at home cause i took an RDO. =P

going to change my oil guys.

03-10-2008, 12:20 PM
i scrape when i get to the top floor at the ramp going slow and on an angle. slight scape'age, whatever is under me that's where it scrapes. other than that it's awesome.

cant wait to re-adjust slightly higher for now while stocks and get wheel alignment. steering wheel is off centre, slightly to the right atm.

ouch!!! so its probably ur cat thats scraping :(

well if u hit it a few more times and it starts to fail, u know its time for a hi-flow one and while ur at it headers and catback too hahaha

03-10-2008, 12:46 PM
ouch!!! so its probably ur cat thats scraping :(

well if u hit it a few more times and it starts to fail, u know its time for a hi-flow one and while ur at it headers and catback too hahaha

Most likely be the CAT heatshield but there is a chance it might be the resonators.

03-10-2008, 04:23 PM
man office aircon aint enough when u next to a window. im in our server room! now thats cool!

I hate going into the server room, i stay in there for like 5min doing work and my bones start hurting.. maybe im just getting old.

03-10-2008, 09:49 PM
I hate going into the server room, i stay in there for like 5min doing work and my bones start hurting.. maybe im just getting old.

i don't know if your canto or something but it's "feng sup tong".

chinese saying when weather rains or cold it hurts.

03-10-2008, 11:25 PM
Another thing on topic about coilovers.

.QD (chris w/ BC N+), Akina (Alex w/ Tein SS) and i (w/ Tein MFP) met up today and compared coilies.

Got to say BC N+ not worn in yet is bloody comfy and Tein SS is almost like stock.

But my problem is Tein SS on akina's car is fully lowered at the rear and my Tein MFP is adjusted to the max at the rear also but Tein SS looks lower and has smaller gap than mine, could this be the reason from tyre size/rim combo as the tyre would be stretched out further causing it to have a smaller gap both of us running profile 40 but me(225) and alex(225)?

Note: the Tein MFP Rear is meant to be 9mm lower than Tein SS.

Cheers for your guys opinion.

04-10-2008, 12:19 AM
im 225 as well.

9mm should be a huge difference, but i have no idea why :s
looking at it today it seems like i have no gap at all at the rear.

do u have a full size spare? coz i do (17").

04-10-2008, 12:57 AM
i reckon we all sell our C/O and group buy on buddyclub, we should be be happy then....LOL!
I dun like my Tein SS, that 1 finger gap at the rear.....annoys me....

04-10-2008, 08:22 AM
lol give me your Tein SS =)

so out of those 3, if you could purchase another set of coilovers, which one would you pick?

04-10-2008, 08:46 AM
im 225 as well.

9mm should be a huge difference, but i have no idea why :s
looking at it today it seems like i have no gap at all at the rear.

do u have a full size spare? coz i do (17").

hahaha you found the reason!!!
ROFL i have space saver!!!

alex go weigh the 17" wheel for me and see how heavy it is? unless you know how heavy it is. (about 20-21kg from the top of my head)

lol give me your Tein SS =)

so out of those 3, if you could purchase another set of coilovers, which one would you pick?
Can't tell you until .QD has his N+ worn in.
However, if compared to SS + MFP i'd go for SS but MFP comes with the pillowball mounts and tracks alot better around corners

And we'll test drive our cars in open space rather than in .QD's work carpark which had too many poles and possible nails on the ground.

04-10-2008, 10:55 AM
Darren, this is the car with N+ I went in, that I keep saying has a comfy ride.


04-10-2008, 01:03 PM
Nice but the windows look like theyve been photoshopped lol that is damn dark !

04-10-2008, 01:21 PM
I'll weigh it for you once I get back tonight or something. Right now gotta get something installed :D:D:D:D

04-10-2008, 01:48 PM
okay chris, then in result N+ was the most stockish ride you can get.

I'll weigh it for you once I get back tonight or something. Right now gotta get something installed :D:D:D:D

goodluck alex.

04-10-2008, 07:11 PM
o yes :)
11kw increase to 119.5kw!

04-10-2008, 07:14 PM
o yes :)
11kw increase to 119.5kw!

wow awesome! mustve costed an arm and a leg :p

if things dont work out for me...guess i'll have to consider toda.
Any probs with toda on auto cl9? rattles etc

Enjoy the improved driving experience mate! :thumbsup:

04-10-2008, 07:18 PM
wow awesome! mustve costed an arm and a leg :p

if things dont work out for me...guess i'll have to consider toda.
Any probs with toda on auto cl9? rattles etc

Enjoy the improved driving experience mate! :thumbsup:

nope, nothing. just a nice hiss sounding like a supercharger :D
fking loving it hehe

04-10-2008, 11:58 PM
o yes :)
11kw increase to 119.5kw!

this is before the ECU adjusts to the airflow? or did you thrash the car around after the install then take it on the dyno straight away?

damn your beating me by 5.9kw atw and you'll be more after it adjusts to the airflow.

05-10-2008, 01:59 AM
hahaha you found the reason!!!
ROFL i have space saver!!!

alex go weigh the 17" wheel for me and see how heavy it is? unless you know how heavy it is. (about 20-21kg from the top of my head)

weighed it for ya, ur perfectly correct :)

btw, how much does the space saver weigh?

05-10-2008, 06:40 AM
weighed it for ya, ur perfectly correct :)

btw, how much does the space saver weigh?

i think it's about 15kg.
I'll get back to you on that.
and the result is 14kg with - of 5-10kpa of the rated pressure (didn't look and in a rush to get to canberra).

07-10-2008, 06:34 AM
damn, put my front lower by 5 mm and i scrap my lower arm bar going up the ramp......

front right 0 finger gap + front left about <10mm slight difference.