View Full Version : Key/Ignition change.

30-09-2008, 03:15 PM
Yo Peeps hope your all geared up ready too help this newby out. right! got a big problemo lost the keys and immobilizer too my 92 EG Hatch... i gotta get this baby over the pits so i'm open too any knowledge of how to change the ignition around or if theres a way to get a locksmith too mend me a new key...oh also if theres any threads on how too do an immobilizer change on a 92 EG Hatch then plz give it up~ cheerz


30-09-2008, 10:06 PM
lock smiths can cut u a new key prob cost like 250 buks , they come out n cut a key for u on site, i droped my keys down a drain n they did it for me , if u want to change your ignition barrel u will see wires running up near your fuse box into plugs u sould be able to pull those out n plug another igiton barel straight in, sumtimes thoe depding on what car the key is programmed to the computer so it may not work, also there is a problem of steering lock, if u want to get that out it can be a mition u might need to take off the steering wheel and u will see the ignition barrel connects to the steering colum u will need to brake the pins n brake it off so u can steer your car but i would say just get a lock smith out much quiker n prob cheaper when u think about it hopw thats a better understanding for u

30-09-2008, 11:22 PM

cheerz man did u know u can take out the door lock and take it into a locksmith.. prolly cost ya $60.00 all up... umm cheers for the reply dude your a legend! still no idea on the removal of the immobilizer but meh learnt somethin today..
