View Full Version : HeLP!!

04-10-2008, 02:33 AM
Hi just hoping someone would be able to help me with my problem with my dc4gsi. okay couple of nights ago i hit a huge pot hole on the motorway and it ended up busting my shocks. Now me being a cheapo tried doing it myself. I eventually got my shocks off, now my problem is putting it back together...i've somehow managed to make the disk brake part face down, and for some reason i couldn't straigthen it again. its abit hard to explain with out pictures. but i've removed the part that is sarrounding the shocks and springs, the top bit bolts to the chassis(similar to the shocks) and the bottom bit to the disk brake. now since i cant get the disk brake to face straighten therefore a cannot rebolt to the chassis. i've somehow got it stuck that way or i've broken something from pushing it down while trying to get the shocks out. im not sure if i've made any sence... its like 2:30am and i've got to get up in 2 hours. anyway if anyone could shed some light to my problem it would be a great help!! if anyone knows a thread that discusses shocks/shrings installation or a step by step guide to installing them could u please let me know. ive tried searching and couldnt find anything.
thank you

04-10-2008, 04:54 AM
try the DIY section that explains the "ground control and Koni install" dude...
Don't think u can break anything.. its pretty much straight forward.. just make sure u tighten it back with the correct torque specs...

04-10-2008, 04:55 AM
here's the link


All the best !