If you have bought / sold something on Ozhonda feel free to rate the buyer / seller using the new rating system.

See the following thread for more information:

In the unfortunate event that you do deal with someone and you have a bad experience where items were paid for and not received, feel free to submit a complaint so that we can keep a record. To do this, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page and select the Marketplace Feedback option. You MUST make sure you include the username of the member your issue pertains to in the form. In the body of the form include your contact details, details of the transaction including date, payment method, items involved and a details summary of any other relevant information.

We will keep a record of all complaints on file and if there are multiple complaints against a particular user we may restrict activity on that user's account. Note that we will not be intervening in the transaction/dispute resolution apart from supplying any required information to the authorities.

Note that the iTrader systems is the primary system for submitting feedback and the above email address is purely for keeping a log of complaints to do with serious issues. For example when items were paid for and not delivered, items varied significantly from what was described etc.

If you're not sure what complaints should go to this email address then please ask first in this thread.