Blog Comments

  1. Sealy Signs's Avatar
    Hey Wynode

    If you need help with moderators, happy to help out...

  2. gerasimon's Avatar
    Help! Honda Civic GLI 1997 with central locking.
    I would like to install aftermarket key-less entry.
    Tried several options, but can not get it to work.
    The original radio does not have the extra wiring, nor plug as pointed out to me in other forums.
    I'd like to put the keyless unit near dashboard , the door option is difficult via the rubber duct. I don't know which wires (colors) to splice. Has anyone done this before on the Civic GLI?? any help would be welcome!
  3. Monetz's Avatar
  4. wynode's Avatar
  5. wynode's Avatar
    Thread should be up in the next few days. Stay tuned!
  6. richard_k's Avatar
    good work boi
  7. wynode's Avatar
    As promised, another:

    This time we feature a long time member. Something different is always good!
  8. wynode's Avatar
    Prizes finalised. Thread will be posted soon. Stay tuned!
  9. wynode's Avatar
    Here's the first of a few to come:
  10. joyride's Avatar
  11. wynode's Avatar
    If you're after a comparison of the various browsers and their features, then check out this link:
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