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Facebook Integration

Rating: 6 votes, 3.83 average.
Some of you might have noticed the Facebook Connect icon up the top (and also the LIKE icon next to threads).

I'm just testing the functionality at the moment however there are some problems (ie the connect isn't working properly).

Will look into it over the next few weeks and make an official announcement once it's all setup.

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Tags: connect, facebook
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  1. Monetz's Avatar
  2. gerasimon's Avatar
    Help! Honda Civic GLI 1997 with central locking.
    I would like to install aftermarket key-less entry.
    Tried several options, but can not get it to work.
    The original radio does not have the extra wiring, nor plug as pointed out to me in other forums.
    I'd like to put the keyless unit near dashboard , the door option is difficult via the rubber duct. I don't know which wires (colors) to splice. Has anyone done this before on the Civic GLI?? any help would be welcome!
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