Welcome to the new sub forum here on Oz Honda for the Honda Car Club of NSW (HCCNSW).
This sub forum has come about as a result of a new alliance formed between the HCCNSW and Ozhonda. We are hoping that this alliance will have benefits for the members of both the HCCNSW and Ozhonda.
For Ozhonda members who are interested in competing in motorsport activities such as supersprints and motorkhanas etc membership of the HCCNSW has the advantage of Confederation of Australian Motorsport (CAMS) affiliation. This means that they will be able to attain a competition licence, such as the entry level L2S licence that is only available to members of a CAMS affiliated club like the HCCNSW.
The Honda Car Club of NSW Inc. was formed in 1970 by five people who had a common interest in Honda S600 and S800 sports cars. The Club was affiliated with the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) and since then has continued to grow in both members and stature.
Since the formation of the club, members have successfully competed in all types of motor sport, including supersprints, hill climbs, motorkhanas and rallies. Swapping of parts and information between members is actively encouraged.
The club is socially active with events organised for members, their families and friends several times throughout the year. New members, whether they be Honda owners or not, are always welcome at any event or meeting.
If you are interested in competing in any of these events, then maybe membership of the HCCNSW is for you.
Over the days and weeks to come, there will be more information appearing here on Ozhonda. Keep an eye out for coming events as we would love to see some new faces.
If you want to know more about anything, have a suggestion or question, feel free to PM me or one of the other committee members (of which there are 8 in total).
If you are interested in coming along to meet some of us, the club has a general meeting at Campsie RSL on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) at 8pm. You will find us in the bistro area of the club.
Kind Regards,