Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Aim: Change cluster lights on eg (works with most cars)

Required: 6 cluster LEDs, philips head screw driver, 45 minutes of free time.

1. Go purchase some LEDs, you can find the ones for clusters all over the internet, or you can grab the ones like I have below for $15 a pack of 5 from autobahn (I got mine from their Bankstown store). Don't go tightass you WILL need 6 so yes, another pack for a single LED. Or expect a shitty looking job.

I got red, because it makes my car go faster.

(For those who cannot read Japanese, the packaging says buy these or we will rape you, note the exclamation mark too, they are serious guys...)

2. Take of the fascia surrounding your centre cluster, for those of you who dont know how, its two screws above the cluster and one behind the hazards that you have to pry off with a flat head. Then use those manly arms to pull off that fascia (Don't forget to unplug that clock and hazard switch!), the clips hold on a little tight so be prepared to swear at the plastic a little, some nice suggestions are "Your ****ing little plastic shit, and Hitler must have designed this shit...what an asshole!"

And then you should have something that looks sort of like this;

If you don't, then you may be you should get out of that persons car and back into your eg and drive far off and start @ step 2 again.

3. Im not going to put a picture for this step, you need to remove those 4 surrounding screws on the fascia and pull out the whole cluster, expect to swear a little more cause thing is hard to get out too! Once cluster is removed unplug wiring from behind.

4. Considering someone has not ****ed about with your cluster behind there should be these what I shall now refer to as "twisty tops". Some are black and some a brown, we are going to pay attention to the brown ones. Those are the ones we want to change, they come of with a slight counter clock wise twist. UNSCREW ONLY ONE FOR NOW!

Behold the giant thumb of doom!

5. You should have something like this ;

See that blue bulb, lift it right up! Not too hard you DO NOT want to BREAK IT, or enjoy the bleeding and troubles of getting the base of it out. And then you should have this ;

Note the small cut on my index finger, guess what I did...

6. Replace with the new LED and it should look like this

7. Place the LED back and test it (yes temporary rewiring) and if it lights up red your sweet, if not you have the polarity (+/-) the wrong way, so take out that LED and switch it around. See why you should have done them one at a time, if you didn't I hope you enjoy the giant mind **** you just created to get the job done quicker. Its a living hell now to find out which ones work and which do not.

8.Place everything back and put fascia and buttons/clock back on. Then admire your work for 10 odd minutes.

Taken with camera phone (looks alot better in RL)

9. Come to my place, sand down my car then respray.

Other comments

I know its been done here before by ICYOIL, but that was with painting the leds. This is replacing them for coloured ones altogether.

If you have an auto like mine, the white cluster can be unscrewed and lifted right out to get to the other 2 twisty tops.