I thought I would start a thread my progress in rebuilding the CB7. The members of Ozhonda have always helped me out answering my questions in the past, so hopefully i can give something back to the community. I'm going to try and add lots of pics, and hopefully people will find this thread interesting =)

As l upload pictures and information about the progress please feel free to ask questions.

The car was crashed about 2 years ago and if it wasn't for the tow bar on the car in front, it would have been fixed up in no time. Unfortunately a new car was needed right away so the CB7 has sat around in my shed waiting for me to do something with it.

The following two pictures where taken the day after the incident when I got the car back home.

Initial damage

Initial damage

At this point i decided to take a closer look at the damage and work out if I would have time to fix it up, or to just put it up for sale.

Front bar and head lights removed

A closer look at the damage

A closer look from the side

Quick shut the bonnet it doesn't look so bad. It'll buff out =P

This is the way the car has sat for nearly two years. I originally put it up for sale on Ozhonda at this point thinking I was to busy to to anything with. It turned into a state of "out of site out of mind." After some initial interest from other members who where either from a different state and couldn't' justify the transport costs, or who would have bought it if it was up a month or two earlier, the thread found itself buried in the depths of the for sale section and also in my mind.