Hi people.. I'll introduce myself shortly.
I'll be turning 17, 2 days later on the 10th, which means i still have a year for my P's. I live in Melbourne. I'm a VTEC fan, i didn't know much about VTEC, but especially in the last 6-7 months, I've been doing a lot of researches about Hondas and VTECs. And luckily i found OZHONDA. I love everything about the site, especially the DIY section.
Hopefully I'll be buying a DC2 when I get my P's...

Also, I'm a Virtual Tuner. (someone who modifies cars in photoshop) and I've photoshopped an EG6 about 5 months ago, which I would like to show you.
Here's the link: http://raceist.deviantart.com/art/Ho...atch-164189512

