The Joy of Driving... Slow?

Some of you may have noticed the Neova Cup leader board posted around the internets lately – a lap time chart comparing different cars and their drivers who are all on the same Advan AD08 tyre. Since I drive on these tyres, my lap time is naturally up there and some of you might have wondered – “why is Narada so slow?”

Well, without sounding like I am writing this column to post up excuses as to why my lap times are so far away from what I usually say my car can achieve, the lap times are slow because my tyres were bald. After 18 months and over 14 track days on my trusty Neovas, they had decided they had enough, and a 1:14.7 was the best I could achieve.

I do not recommend driving with tyres this far gone...

But let me also tell you this, they were some of the best laps I have driven for a long time. This video below, taken by Hoon Media, was just a sample of what driving the car was like on the day.

Getting yourself a PB can be very rewarding, but I feel that sometimes there is too much emphasis put on this these days. There is a common dialogue at track days of late that constantly revolves around getting a PB, wanting a PB or hoping for a PB. And for some, the very sight of wet or even dusty surfaces ends up in gloomy faces all around.

I totally get it too. When we first started Circuit Club, the average lap time was 1.18 and we were all just happy to be driving above the speed limit freely. But these days, if you aren’t pulling sub 10s it’s almost like you shouldn’t bother showing up. The sophistication of the average track driver has increased so much that it’s become very competitive out there.

But as it was almost an obligation for me to set an official lap time for the Neova Cup, I was almost brought back to my roots knowing that there was no way in getting a PB with my now bald tyres. I was focused on setting the best lap time possible, yes, but I wasn’t going to be disappointed in not achieving a PB.

Those laps were some of the hardest in my life. Without grip from the tyres, I had to be extra smooth with my inputs. I was constantly balancing the rear grip with my steering inputs and although there was still pretty decent traction, getting a good throttle position through the corner was still a sensitive affair.

I ended up doing three or four laps in a row where I just felt like I was getting faster and faster – my concentration was through the roof and car was on a knife-edge of grip.

It was me and my car working in harmony, which I think is the real purpose of driving at a Trackday. Getting your skill level to match the level of the car. Being on the limit of your car’s capabilities lap after lap. In other words, having fun while driving.

P.S. If you also like to watch drivers on the limit, especially three time F1 world champions, make sure you come along to our advanced screening of Senna. I will repeat, it is the best racing documentary I have ever seen, and even if you have seen a downloaded copy, nothing compares to watching it on the big screen. Buy tickets here -

To compete in the ADVAN Neova Cup log your fastest times here:
Remember you don’t need a race car and you don’t need a race suit, all you need is a set of Advan Neova Tires and a street registered car.