Quote Originally Posted by MACDOG View Post
This is what people do, they get the feet cut off their existing seats, and they get them welded onto the sliding base of your new seats. You could do it yourself if you owned a welder, or knew someone that did, however it won't be approved. There is a bit of controversy with the seats being ADR approved etc, alot of the seats are.. its just the rails that are not. You could pay $500 to a RTA registered workshop for a compliance plate, but lets face it.. by the time you do that.. it would have been worth buying real ones. If you go to a workshop somewhere, tell them your problem and they should be able to fix it for you, for about $250 - $300. (None certified mod). The po po don't check the rails, so you're fine.

Just realised I strayed a bit from your original question.. haha! (You might be able to gather some info out of what I've said) xD!
Ohh dayum okay, ill ask around, thanks!