Every so often we have some unique cars come by, and this time we were incredibly lucky to be able to work on this beautiful Ford Mustang Fastback.
This fully rebuilt car (as new) has a coat of solid black ceramic clear. The quality of the finish once painted was in a terrible state. Definitely not the condition a classic muscle car like this Mustang should ever be seen in public.
Any questions you may have regarding the techniques or products used please do not hesitate to ask.
A few products and machines were used due to the very contoured panels making accessing some areas quite hard;-
Initial Correction; Menzerna FG500 Polish, RUPES Bigfoot Machines for larger Flatter areas, DAS6 Pro DA Polisherfor smaller areas combined with Surbuf Microfibre Pads including the 4" Pads, Festool RAP80 for the tighter areas such as headlight surrounds, front & rear bumpers, tail light and beaver panel etc.
2nd Stage of Menzerna PF2500 to remove any micromarring that possibly may have been left in the initial cut with the same machines on a variety of Menzerna Yellow, Festool Orange & White and RUPES Yellow Pads.
Finishing stages and jeweling of the paint with Menzerna SF4000.
Finishing Product, car was sealed with Nanolex Premium Spray Sealant due to the nature of the paintwork; solid black paintworks are incredibly soft and very easy to mar. This classic car should receive over 6 months protection from the Nanolex Spray Sealant leaving the paint with a deep sharp wet finish.
Photos Below show quite evidently that the paintwork was in a terrible state with heavy holograms, marring and some even deeper scratches!
(Adhesive residue)
A couple 50/50 Shots (Single pass correction to compare to uncorrected side)