yeah i'm probably going to just take the points, and i've driven 2.5 years cause I brought my first car before I turned 16, been through like 6 cars since then. Obviously driven unlicensed.
FaLL iN LoVe WheN YoU aRe ReAdY, NoT WhEN YoU ARe LOnEly
Ahh well... driving unlicensed catches up with you, good luck doing the next 3 years on one point. Its a shit doing 1 year on a single point, I've been there... Don't lose your Ps either or the whole process starts again and you'll never get off them. I've known people who are 25 and still on their Ps due to being deadshits.
I also knew a guy who lost his license completely from not paying fines and the transport department put him back on his Ps. He was 35... sucks to be him.
Ahh well... driving unlicensed catches up with you, good luck doing the next 3 years on one point. Its a shit doing 1 year on a single point, I've been there... Don't lose your Ps either or the whole process starts again and you'll never get off them. I've known people who are 25 and still on their Ps due to being deadshits.
I also knew a guy who lost his license completely from not paying fines and the transport department put him back on his Ps. He was 35... sucks to be him.
i am 25 and i was on my P's from losing my license many times lmzo
however when i got my license back, i got all my points back because i lost it for so long
Ahh well... driving unlicensed catches up with you, good luck doing the next 3 years on one point. Its a shit doing 1 year on a single point, I've been there... Don't lose your Ps either or the whole process starts again and you'll never get off them. I've known people who are 25 and still on their Ps due to being deadshits.
I also knew a guy who lost his license completely from not paying fines and the transport department put him back on his Ps. He was 35... sucks to be him.
Wait i thought if your P's gets suspended for 3 months then after you get it back you get your points back?
It does man, I was talking about having 1 point left on your license. If I recall correctly you get 4 points on your Ps but it's also been 7 or 8 years since I've had Ps so I don't exactly remember. I was also talking more specifically about a single point license, trust me my driving record isn't brilliant, I've done a lot of stupid shit which is why I'm here now driving a GSi as a daily. I had to teach myself a lesson about doing things properly with cars... I know shit all about Hondas and I'm learning as I go, I'm a Toyota driver.
On the issue of losing your points, yes it feels even better after you've been on a good driving behaviour bond with 1 point for 12 months and you get all your points back. Looking over your shoulder before you get them all back just gets tiring really quick. If I come off as preachy about doing things properly, it's only because I was more than a bit of a knob in the past who paid no attention to what people said in places like these about my driving habits.
Last edited by Integra-GSi; 05-10-2013 at 11:07 PM.
It does man, I was talking about having 1 point left on your license. If I recall correctly you get 4 points on your Ps but it's also been 7 or 8 years since I've had Ps so I don't exactly remember. I was also talking more specifically about a single point license, trust me my driving record isn't brilliant, I've done a lot of stupid shit which is why I'm here now driving a GSi as a daily. I had to teach myself a lesson about doing things properly with cars...
It feels even better after you've been on a good driving behaviour bond with 1 point for 12 months and you get all your points back. Looking over your shoulder before you get them all back just gets tiring really quick. If I come off as preachy about doing things properly, it's only because I was more than a bit of a knob in the past who paid no attention to what people said in places like these about my driving habits.
Ah I understand, just the thought of having 1 point for a whole year seems intimidating to me and somewhat impossible. I mean for the first two years of driving without a license I never got into a single accident or a received a single fine/speeding ticket, but as soon as I got my P's I was more careless because I wasn't as afraid to get pulled over. So I'm hoping that losing my license for the first time makes me a more careful even when I get my license back.