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  1. #1

    Angry Electrical Problems / Windscreen Wipers / Indicators | HONDA CRX 88'

    Hey guys,

    So I changed out the dash in my CRX, used the same loom that was in the crx and everything but now the strangest thing happening..

    - Windscreen wipers keep going when I turn the car on
    - Indicators won't flash, they are constant but when I do indicator it does make the "flashing" noise like they are suppose too.

    Only way to make the windscreen wipers to stop is to take out the fuse but then I can't wind the windows down and stuff like that.

    I assume it I might of plugged something in incorrectly, anyone have an idea?

    Also the only differences I noticed when I was replacing and installing this dash, there is a ground wire just near the steering column that is connected to the loom, when I pulled my original dash out that wasn't connected but now I have connected it.

  2. #2
    So I just back tracked everything I did to see if there is any plugs incorrectly plugged in or not and I'm sure they are correct.

    The loom that runs behind the dash contain

    A blue plug that goes into the fuse box
    A white plug and yellow plug that goes next to the fuse box
    3 speedo plugs
    3 plugs to control hazards light dimmer and defrost
    1 plug that goes to behind the clock
    Headunit plug

    I don't see any or can see why any these plugs would cause my windscreen wipers to go and also my indicators light to not flash ..

  3. #3
    Not a stalk issue as well, I have removed a stalk off another CRX and tested it - still happens.

  4. #4
    Green block gangster Array
    Join Date
    May 2004
    twin GX160's
    did you change only the dash ?
    did you change the fuse box ?
    did you change the dash wiring loom that goes to the column ?

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