Hey all hope you are doing well!, I'm planning on buying a DC5R from a guy that I know. And The car hasn't been perfectly looked after in terms of the exterior of the vehicle. Now I checked up on REVS etc and it has no recorded accident history etc. But he was honest and did say that the front bumper took a knock on a grass mound while moving the vehicle. Got under the car and the rad support in UNTOUCHED. so the damage seems to be just a bumper that's shifted, same goes for the rear, bumper was gently knocked, no paint damage, but doesn't line up with the drivers tail light perfectly. Now what I want to know is, what the best way for checking a bent chassis just to make sure, from front and back the car looks flat, its not lifting to one side, nor does it look twisted in any way. But from past experience with some crappy DC2's I'd like to make sure the chassis is not bent. Damaged bumpers and body parts I don't mind as fixing them is simple when you know a few smash repair guys. Its just fixing a bent chassis is not something I want to deal with. Any idea of where/how to check. Or anyone know of people I could bring out to inspect the car with me in the Kellyville/Castle Hill area Sydney.
Thanks in Advanced.