
i tried to wire an 'led stick' (the neon thingo) for the footwells on the weekend.... i opened the door and the corner panel on the inside to the car to find the wires that connect to the door light...

....i cut the cigarette connector of the the led cable...i put those wires to the plug for the door light....it light up the leds and when i pressed the thing on the door it turned off.....so i though ok it works.....just have to find where those wires lead back to in the car...

i want the light to come on when the doors open just like the lights on the door!

....i thought i had found them.....white one w/blue strip & a green one w/red strip. I spliced into them....connected the wires.....but only the two centre leds flickered on....

the wires on the inside of the car are really thin...where the ones in the door are thicker

...so there must be something somewhere where the wires change (relay) and the current is boosted to produce more power...but i cant see it

there must be another wire i need to tap into.....but which one?

only thing i can think of is to run wires up through and into the door and splice into the door light wires...

.....but how can i run wires up through into the door??? theres not much room to get in there!!!

let me know if u have any ideas !?!?!?