Originally Posted by wynode PS: Mark, haven't forgotten about your request.....just need to work out the best way to do it no probs Wyn i know you wont forget ...just got to wait its turn on the list of things to do..
HCCM #13
option 3 FTW!!!
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Originally Posted by MikeyG Hey Wyn, since i paid for my sub does that mean you will give me my $6 dollars back? casue i really need it to buy a Genuine Rare ITR Strut Bar Mikey I'm not sure if that's a serious question? Eitherway the short answer is no as the announcement was made after your payment was processed
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he is making a lame joke
Team Yum Cha Daily Melb Crew reppin .....an era has ended.....RIP YF dc2^3 "I do apologise for what must seem like an arbitrary imposition"
does this stream of income get lodged to the ato?
nope it gets lodged to the MDP moderators direct pockets
Originally Posted by mercury nope it gets lodged to the MDP moderators direct pockets No it doesn't.
-------------------------------------- Stocky CL9 - 1:17.2
i think they both know well that isnt the case and are just stirring up shit
Just updated the first post. Offer ends next Wednesday (July 8) at 11pm AEST.
i was joking wyn ofcourse you wouldnt give back money i am happy with my sub
Discounted offer closed!
Originally Posted by wynode Discounted offer closed! just thought I'd let you know that when I get up to 90% PMs the prompt still mentions the discount price.
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