Just an idea, what if O/H follow a similar layout to Honda-Tech in regards to the model section with sub categories?

Lately, when i jump into the Civic/CRX section, there is alot of topics of FN2, New CTR etc..then stuck in amongst all those threads is something like 'Problem with EK startup (example only)

Under the Civic/CRX Section, what if we had sub-categories for;
EP/FN/New Civics

By now, surely there are enough users with models to fill all these sub categories.

Sure as hell would make it alot more easier to browse, reducing stupid comments such as 'do a search' & 'this has been posted before'. It does make it hard to sift through when there such a diversity in topic discussion. Also will have the benefit of people paying more attention to specific topics when its dedicated to one specific model.

just an idea...