Disclaimer: The articles found in this forum are provided only as a guide/reference. Neither Ozhonda nor the author take responsibility for the outcomes related with following these guides. You do so at your own risk!

Hey guys, this is for the cheap people like me who can't afford the AP2 Center Console

Aim: To give the AP1 Center Console a "facelift" by modernising and giving a polished/shining look

- Nail Polish remover containing Acetone (important as Acetone is known to remove paint)
- Cotton balls
- Cotton buds
- Tap

1. Lay your console out on a hard and flat surface with a bit of room to maneuver.

2. Grab a cotton ball and add some of the acetone to it

3. Next to is scrub the console around the SHIFTBOOT with the cotton ball (refer to image below). You will need to use a few cotton balls to do so. Scrub all over the grey film on the major large areas and you should see the silver below start to show.

4. Now, because the cotton ball is very soft and can't get all the spots, use the cotton buds, as these have plastic behind it and are small which allows to remove small areas which are difficult to remove such as on the edges.

5. After doing all of this and removing all of the grey film, use the cotton balls again but this time use water and wipe clean the whole silver area. Then wipe dry with either cotton balls, tissues etc.

6. This should leave the console shining and looking very modern and new. Something like the images below is the result. (pardon the images, bad angle some parts are fully shiny)


Other comments:

Be sure to wipe all of the end acetone off the whole console when you are finish. I also used a glove as a precaution AND try to prevent inhaling of the acetone too much