Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Aim: to customize your boot.

- piece of wood
- piece of glass or perspex
- drill + saw + g-clamp
- lots of duct/double sided tapes
- neons
- screw driver + screws/ brackets
- new boot carpets
- scissors + ruler


1. take out your oem carpet and go buy your self an cheap one from the market or something unless you don’t care about cutting a hole right in the middle of it. Lay out the carpet and cut into the shape of your boot to make it fit

2. take the wood you going to use for false floor, out it on an sawing table or something and make sure both the table and the board is SECURE.

3. drill a hole on top of the board to allow amp wires to go under later.

4. measure and draw out the size/shape of the hole you want to cut for the amp

5. use a saw and follow the mark you just draw, to cut out a hole. Be really careful if you are operating a electrical saw, make sure everything is secure and double check everything before making any move.

6. now grab another piece of wood for the bottom of the boot, where your amp is going to sit. (For people who has dc2s you can secure the board by drill an hole in the middle of the board and put it on top of that round spare tyre thing and screw it back on tight.)

7. wait for the paint to be completely dried before you do anything else.

8. after the paint is dried off put the board back into the boot and try fitting your amp and neons, but don’t secure them, you can also feed the wires though the hole now to see if they are longer enough to reach your amp.

9. grab the other piece of wood(top one) and put it in the boot as well to see if everything lines up the way you wanted. I had 2neons, one is stuck on the end and the other one is on the bottom of the top board.

10. i used left over woods and brackets to fill up the gaps on the sides. Make sure you wire up your amp and clean everything up under the board before you do this, because once both sides are filled its hard to take the board out again.

11. now grab you pespex or glass what ever you decide to use, cut into an size that’s a bit bigger than the hole you have in you boot.

12. use double sided tape to secure the pespex on to the board so it wont move

13. now the final step is to cut a hole on your boot carpet. Same principle as when your cutting the wood, measure out the size and position double check to make sure its right. When cutting the carpet you rather cut it small the first time then cutting it too big.

14. put the carpet back down and your DONE!!

Other comments: plz don’t tell me its dodgy, because I already know that