I've just had my brake pads changed.. the front ones..
I read stacks of brake related threads here so I sort of would look like what I am talking about if there was anything..
all went good, except the dude told me to machine the disc or replace the whole thing.. I had a chat with the supervisor who dismissed the idea so.. yeah.. (it was going to cost me $44 each to machine and $300 to replace, i asked again what it was about but supervisor didn't really tell me much except that they may need to on ocassion..)

But my question actually is regarding the brakes..
prior to replacing brake pads, my accord euro was really snappy with brakes.. very responsive but now I sort of have to step on it quite a bit to get the brakes happening, more like my mum's camry.. is this coz it's new pads? and I just drove with it? or is there something else I need to look out for?
I think I got the stock honda accord pads, cost me $130 to replace the fronts..

I know if the brakes sink in I need to check the brake oils right? but it wasn't anywhere near this before changing so I am a little curious.. I've had the safety check done with them too and was reported the car was in a great condition..

any thoughts?
