Hi all

I am new to Honda and CRV, I have just picked up an 05 model.
Before I go back to the dealer with these again I thought I would ask for your opinions. This car was RACV tested
1. Sometimes when starting the car it can take a bit to turn over. This doesn't happen everytime. Dealers response was it is the immobiliser.
2. Somestimes when driving slower then 80k's the car can shutter. This can happen with or with out the cruise on. I have found that pressing on the accelerator stops it.
3. This morning I noticed when traveling at 100 with cruise on the revs were going between 1800 - 2200. Is this normal, I would have though that the revs sat pretty level. I saw this on a ftat straight stretch so it was going up or down hills.

The car is going for it's 90000km service tomorrow - do I need to mention any of these or has anyone else had these problems before

The other thing is what is the fuel consuption ment to be like in these. I thought that they were ment to be decent but I drove to Melbourne on the weekend in it. About 380kms on way. I filled up just out of Ballarat on the way there so from Ballarat to Melbourne to Ballarat it had used 3/4 of a tank which I think was about 330 of highway driving. At the moment it is sitting on about 200km and it is half full
What is the size of there fuel tanks?
