Do members think that we should have the right to speak up on things like...

Dodgey dealers ?

Dodgey traders on this site ?

Dodgey traders outside of this site ?

Dodgey service from any person relating to our vehicles (Honda's) whether it be here at ozhonda or outside of ozhonda ?

Someone who means harm to any member or has done harm to a member of ozhonda whether it be now or in the past ?

Do you expect the truth no matter what from a community based forum like ozhonda ?

Have you had a moderator edit your post because he/she didn't want you to tell the truth about a shonky deal/dealer either in ozhonda or outside of this forum ?

Have you experienced a moderator closing a thread down because someone told the truth about a dodgey operator ?

Do you think ozhonda should just be a host/medium and not get involved with members issues like the ones mentioned above ?

would you want to help a fellow member by telling the truth no matter what ?

Have you had problems outside of ozhonda and relied on ozhonda members to find out the truth ?

If this is important to you as a member here at ozhonda then vote "YES"

Did you know that moderators and admin's don't care about the truth as long as it is not mention here in ozhonda regarding these issues ?

How important is your freedom of speech to you ?