Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself, OzHonda nor Underground Imports take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Aim: To install and road test a APX Burnt Titanium Sphere Shift Knob

Time: 5 minutes(any longer and you will be banned)

- APX Knob
- Grease(optional)

Ok guys just to clear some things up, i DO sell these knobs and i realise that my review on thie product might be considered as bias BUT i will endevour to be as objective as possible. Also, who am i to try and sell a product that i have not at least tried?

The reason for the DIY on a gear knob install is because many people have asked me how they fit, 'feel' and what not. So without further ado, the DIY and my findings.


Step 1:
Ok first job it to remove previous knob. Stock or other wise. I had a Spoon Sports gearknob in my eg5. In the case of THIS particular knob, remove allen key bolt and unscrew. Simple.

Step 2:
Ok im not sure how many peple do this but i do and i make my friends do it to, on threaded gear knobs i always put a little bit of grease on the thread.
I did it on the Spoon knob that im takin off and guess what, came off very easily, no grunting required. Dont put grease on if u dont want to, but i highly recommend it.

Step 3:
Ok all greased up and ready to go. Now simply thread on the new APX knob. It was a HONDA metric thread so it went on with ease. Just be careful if you put too much grease on it might come out the bottom when threading on, just wipe off any excess and you done. Now sit back and bask in glorious glow of Burnt Titanium.

APX is an international brand that is sold all over the world, in Japan for example, which is were my knob was from. It is a new brand to Australia and there are not many distributors, maybe 5 or 6 including me.

Ok first impressions of the packaging was very good, i mean the box had a 'genuine parts' seal on it, and the knob was in a small draw string bag which i found to doubles as a cool little knob polisher. The build quality of this knob is very high. Not a flaw on it. Is has APX engraved on the underside of it too, very cool IMO and yes i spent some time checking it out very closely.



Drawstring bag:

Engraving on underside:

Whole package:

The Battle Ensues- Spoon vs APX
Ok like i said i was rocking a Spoon sports knob before i installed the APX. I have always loved my lil Spoonie knob. A Simple, lightweight knob that was pretty comfy and it sat nicely on my B+M Shifter.

Against the APX it seemed to be slightly lighter in physical weight but on the other hand it looks decidedly boring. Another thing that is obsurdly obvious is the overall 'height' of the Spoon knob! It towers over the APX by just over 20mm. In fitting the APX i have 'shortened' my shift lever by 20mm. Making it 'feel' allot shorter. Im not saying i shift quicker now or that i have decreased the travel between gears but 'feels' allot better.

Also when coparing both knobs outside the car the Spoon doesnt seem so super special to me, well not anymore, i mean it has given me 1.5yrs worth of shifts but the APX just looked much better manufactured. Sure Spoon make some totally unreal bits and pieces but the knob just didnt look as well made as the APX. I took my eg5 for a spin and the knob felt as good if not better than its Spoon counterpart. I know some people dont give a poo about what knob they shift with and some people care very much. Iam one that does care. If i find a knob is uncomfortable, I get the poops, but that just me, i would never rock some unco monza peice of junk, but agin thats just me.

Ok thats my opinion guys, take it as u will. please feel free to post comments/questions. Ill be happy to answer them or just shoot me an pm.

- Trav