. . . well, not really

I filled up the car yesterday and it took 42.06L!!

seeing as the tank only takes 42L i assume the rest is in the pipe but . . .

In the trip computer i did 638.3km at 6.1L/100km so theoretically it shouldn't of taken that much ???

plus it cost me an arm (for the jazz anyway). I filled up with BP Ultimate at 116.9 c/L. Times that by 42.06 and it cost me $49.17 to fill up the jazz!!

Has anyone had something similar happen?
Whats the furthest any of you guys have got on tank?

also a couple of weeks ago i was driving REALLY sedately and i managed to get 620km on the tank with the trip computer on 5.7L/100km and when i filled up it only took 35L!!!!
