Hi all,

Just a quick message to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2010.

We've got a few things planned for the coming year including more Featured Rides, a move to the latest version of vBulletin with some nifty features, possible wiki integration and a new newsletter format for e-news updates.

The new server has been handling the load without any sweat so that should give us plenty of room to grow.

Finally, a big thanks to all those have contributed to Ozhonda to help make it a comprehensive technical resource for both new and experienced users. Our DIY archive has grown immensely and we are quite proud of all the original content that members have submitted. Thanks also to ALL the moderators (new and old) who have put in their spare time to make this place friendly and peaceful.

Have a safe new year and take it easy on the roads.

All the best from the moderating team!