Something interesting.. I rang Honda Australia 1800 hotline and mentioned i bought the new Euro in silver metallic color and asked do i really need a paint protection that dealers selling it between 695 to 1000.

THe guy said well...its up to you...If you park your car outside the paint protection may worth it, there is no yes or no answer...I asked him so do you think the Honda paint would fade after few years. He said as for recommended in handbook it may fade if you don't wash or look after the car, but with paint protection it may worth to keep the shine for long time he said..

I asked him the corrosion warranty comes with Honda rite. He said Thats only if it get corrosion, not with paint fading...

I am bit surprised, If Hond australia thinks their cars got with good paint, they could have said no its not necessary....

This is one of the car broker advised me about paint protection and pay extra..

" Yes I definitely think you should be paying for the paint protection, the reason the dealership is offering it to you is that Honda’s are renowned for paint fade after 4-5 years as the Honda Manufacturing plant it Thailand use a blend of polyurethane metallic candy apple paint, which when applied to a motor vehicle does look great with a unique finish, the down side is the paint will not last untreated on its own, so by doing the paint protection you will not have to respray the car prior to selling it."..

What the dealer tried to sell me was 2 types, One was basic teflon based paint protection and other is something called nano based something which they mentioned it bonded with honda paint and will shines for ever...

Also see this NRMA Blogs (website saying there is no evidance these protection stuffs been tested for australian condition..

It may or may not work.....

What i am thinking is definately not gona get paint protection with my new Euro and lets see how it goes over the years...