Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else wrong doing of the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Aim: To remove the side door mouldings in order to achieve a type R door look.

Materials required:
• Diggers fibreglass kit (cost $30 from your local Bunning’s store)
• Methylated spirits
• Gloves
• screw driver
• news paper
• cloth
• masking tape
• Scissors

Step 1: Be organised: Have everything that you will need placed out on the floor close to you

Step 2: Start by removing the front door trims. There are three screws that are located on each side of the doors, when these screws are removed the door trim should easily pop off.
-Once the removal of the door trims are completed start to remove the rear seats and the rear plastics. (Refer to the DIY page if you don’t know how to remove them).

Step 3: Once you have removed the rear seats and rear plastic you can start to remove the side door mouldings.
-You will notice that there is a bolt that is attached to the side moulding; you will need to remove this.
-Next you will see that there are six clips located on the doors and three clips located on the back section of the doors, you will remove these by pressing them together and pushing them outwards.

Step 4: Once everything has been removed you need to clean off the surface (of the door/metal) with some methylated spirit, this will need to be to the inside and the outside.

Step 5: Next you will mask off all the holes from the outside with masking tape as pictured.

Step 6: Lay out newspaper on the ground and place the fibreglass sheet on top.
- cut the fibre-glass into little pieces that are a little bigger than the actual hole
( I cut mine 4cm long and 4cm high and I placed 3-4 layers of fibre-glass on each hole just to be sure).
Note: Cut out all the fibre-glass before you start mixing.

Step 7:
1. Using gloves measure out 100ml of the fibreglass resin and place it inside a bucket
2. Add 2.5-3 mL of catalyst to bucket (cold day: 2.5-3 ml, hot day: 1.5-2ml)
3. Mix them well with a mixing stick, you cannot take your time because the resin dries out in about 30 minutes.
(Measuring cup and mixing stick provided in the Diggers fibreglass kit)

Step 8: Once the resin has been mixed using a brush you will need to place it on the inside surface of the door where the holes are.

1. Brash some resin onto the first hole and then apply one sheet of the cut out fibreglass
2. Brush over the fibreglass with some extra resin making sure that there are no white spits and that it’s all covered up nicely.
3. On top of the same sheet apply another sheet of fibreglass and repeat step 2.
4. You will need to do this about 3-4 times on EACH hole
Note: There are two holes located on each side that are difficult to reach and aren’t very visible so it will help if someone shines a light from the outside of the hole so you have an idea of where to place the fibreglass.

Step 9: Once you have completed step 8 on both sides of the car; leave it how it is for one hour.
- Clean up the equipment that was used.

Step 10: After one hour you remove the masking tape that was placed on the outside of the car and allow it to dry. (Wait overnight until you place all the interior back in, this gives the fibreglass enough time to dry and set).
after its all dry what it looks like

Stage 1 of the process is done it looks alot cleaner with out the side mouldings

Note: I will post the next DIY of finishing the doors when I get a chance to do it.
- Place putty over the wholes and sand them down to make them smooth
- Spray paint it

Any questions feel free to ask.
thanks for looking.