Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

Aim:removing sound deadening


Dry ice (3-5 kgs)
Rubber gloves/leather
Rubber mallet
Flat head screwdriver/chisel
Kerosene (optional)
Rags (optional)


1: Put on gloves and put dry ice on the selected sound deadening

2: Leave the dry ice on the sound deading untill you can hear the sound deadening crack

3.Hit the rubber mallet against the bottom of the chasis, the sound deadening should come straight off the body, if it is being stubborn use a flat head screwdriver/chisel to remove it.


4. In last two photos most of the sound deadening is out, but there are still some small stubborn pieces.Pour kerosene on the area make sure the car is in a ventilated area and leave for a good one to three hours.

5. After this, sound deadening should be soft, use rag to wipe the remaining pieces.

Other comments
Once dry ice has been used on a certain bits of sound deadening, put it back in its container so that it can be reused on other sections, this way u would only need about 3kgs