I have a 2005 Euro Lux, and i've noticed a few abnormal things in the car.. I think.
First, (it's an Auto), when I have it in Drive or Reverse, the engine emitts a weird noise almost like a minor but intermittent scraping noise... the sound comes from somewhere near the belt..Anyone happen to know what it might be?

Secondly, from stationary position once reaching 40km/h, accelerating through 40-60 it sounds as if the car struggles? It's almost as if the car is RIGHT on the edge of shifting gears but won't, and a sort of loud noise comes from the engine, and the revs are at about 3-3.500. Is this normal? It's actually the first time i've noticed this..

Anyone know what's going on with my 2 problems? Or 1 of the 2? The car is going in for service this friday for it's 80k service and ill tell Honda about it, but just thought id ask here cos someone might know.