Ok, So my car was keyed and scratched even more two nights ago, with a bigger slash in there. Call AAMI, took my car in for assesment. Paid for the Claim on their request. 2100. I just got a call now with them saying that because it was keyed on two different events / which you could clearly tell the marks were aged by a few weeks. I have to make 2 claims.!!! 4200!!! i tried to dispute and say regardless of whether the key marks were there or not, they would of had to respray the whole car anyway. he couldn't answer me when i asked because we both know it's true. i got really upset and he said that either that or he can get the repairer to quote how much extra the two old key marks repair will cost additionally and i'll have to pay that amount. this is just ridiculous, and i cant believe what joy some bunch of idiots will get by doing this to my car. for a car that i bought for 23500. i've spent well and truely over 40gs buying and repairing it to date withing 8 months. not even Modding it!!! i'm soo upset i don't even know what to be thinking at this point. i still have to spend another 2gs minimum to get my clutch and gearbox thread replaced which is almost on its way. and then get a gate put at my house so i can put my car in the backyard and off the street. when the car get's resprayed, im definate itll be vandalised again if i leave it outside. past month i've already spent 400 on wheel alignment and 500 on master and slave cylinder. anyway enough of me bragging, but it's not like im a millionaire. i've had no money left for my self. barely keeping up with bills. i don't want to have to get rid of this car for 20 gs if im lucky, because no one will buy it. I dont want to lose the already 20gs extra ive spent on it.