Quote Originally Posted by AusS2000 View Post
Just because RDA list different sizes on their website and supposedly send out different sizes when you order them doesn't mean that Honda made different sizes.

I know very little about Hondas, but quite a bit about S2000s from having owned and worked on one for over a decade, and also my involvement with S2ki. In fact I remember a thread where someone mentioned the different size rotors as listed on the RDA website and it was immediately shot down.
ok ill admit thats a valid point. mine was a major assumption since rda does send them in 2 different sizes and it would only be logical that this the factory specs but like i said, that was a 'major assumption' made by me. ive seen both rotors and have measured them and they are different. stupid why they would release 2 different 1z if factory is the same :S

Quote Originally Posted by dc2r-0636 View Post
^ and you post on ozhonda

Quote Originally Posted by AusS2000 View Post
Q: How do you know something is untrue?
A: It is written on OzHonda.
at least i agree with you on this!!!! :P