Ok, so my license got suspended early january.
Just curious, the car is old as.. 1977 civic 1500 manual. The engine has a bit of trouble with oil smoke on start up (getting that fixed up when I get my license back in april)

So the question is: Should I run my engine for a few minutes every month or so just to keep the engine good?
I read on another thread that letting your car idle for a few minutes is bad for the following reasons: (trism said this, dunno what the quote code is on this forum, cbf figuring it out)
warming a car up is the worse thing you can do, for a few reasons, if you have a search youll find them all, but here is a quick run down

1. idling causes fuel wash. the excess fuel in the cylinder not being burnt literally washes the oil off the cylinder walls, removing lubrication
2. emissions control devices, specifically the catalytic convertor work when heated up. idling the car isnt going to heat it up, so for the 5 minutes its warming up all the toxic nastys are spewing out the exhaust.
3. youre wasting fuel warming up. the ecu automatically supplies more fuel when cold to prevent stalling. thus wasting petrol (and causing fuel wash)
4. you sit there for 5 mins warming the engine up thinking youre sweet, then pull out and give it a hit thinking its all fine. well its not. where does the power go through before it hits the wheels? the gearbox/rest of the drivetrain. you hit it, and your 'box is cold still and you cause wear on the drivetrain.

thats a basic run down on why its not necessary. simply get in, start the car up and drive away, taking it easy until the temp reaches operating temperature, that way everything warms up at the same time and you dont damage anything
So anyway, Since I don't have an ecu, cat or injectors, would that still apply to the first gen?
Just figured sitting in it and giving it a little bit of revs would be good for it, keep it from getting filled with oil 'n' stuff.
should I just not turn it over till I drive it next? (only turned it on a few times.. two of which were for a warm up, the others were moving it and testing the new mirrors and such) or is it actually a good idea to stop it from getting stuck or something?

Only a month till I can drive it and get it going properly... just thought i'd ask, see if I'm actually doing the right thing, or if it's going to destroy the car faster :/
