Hi all, first time poster, long time Jazz driver.

Over the weekend I was driving for about half an hour, when out of nowhere my car felt like it had a weird lurch. Kind of like a hiccup. I was doing about 80km/h, just cruising on a highway. And since then, it's done the same issue a couple of times.

It happens mostly, but not all of the time, when I accelerate from a set of red lights. And sometimes it might happen if I'm just cruising along a freeway.

It'll just hiccup for half a second, no real noticeable drop in power but you can feel it lurching. At worst, it'll hiccup three times in succession - not often.

My gut tells me it's a fuel pump issue. I thought it was a misfire, but I can't hear or feel any cylinders dropping out. Wanted to know if anybody had a similar issue.

I'm driving 1600km to South Australia this weekend, so I'd kind of like some reassurance!

My car's a 2007-spec Honda Jazz, 1.3L GLi, auto, +140,000km.
