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  1. #13
    Finally got to have a crack at replacing the thermostat today. Took me awhile to figure out the best way to get at it with a few bashed knuckles and all along the way, but finally I was able to get at it, and get the new one installed.

    Then I took the dizzy apart. Discovered it has been taken apart before, so it's either a replacement or the original. I couldn't find the bolts to the ICM itself as the guide on here isn't quite what I have on my car. So onto plan B which was to take the connectors off, spray contact cleaner in them and check the connections were solid. It was at this point I found one that was kinda of loose, so I closed it to make a tighter connection. Also sprayed some throttle body cleaner into the throttle body.

    Then time to fire up the car, and it purred . Yay. The temp gauge is now working properly, and the tacho isn't jumping around at all. Car even zooms better too, and it feels more responsive. Just to be sure I took it for a good drive on the freeway and the temp gauge didn't go down with time, and the tacho was rock solid. So mission complete on those areas.

    Now to see if I can sort out the antenna not extending when I turn on the radio. Hopefully it's just an issue of the wire not being connected.

    As for how the gear changes from 1 to 2 go, it's alot better. But I think the clutch pedal might be setup so it engages immediately. Will peer under the dash and see if there is an adjustment thing to back it off a tad.
    Last edited by KoolMonkey; 09-06-2012 at 10:39 PM.

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