Quote Originally Posted by DakDak View Post
Hi just a question,

I bought some Autoglym paint renovator. I was planning to remove the spider webs and craters I got in my paint.
I did it by hand, and there was little effect. I gave it a good whack. Then with the resin polish, extra gloss protection then wax.

Am I missing something?

Hey mate,

To remove any spider webs/holograms etc off the paintwork (unsure what you mean by craters?) you would require a machine correction to remove this. Once this is done you only need to re-apply your protection (Wax/Synthetic Wax) on-going to protect the paint and give it some depth/gloss.

But with the products you used and by hand unfortunately you won't get much of a result due to the hard paintwork! Pre-90 model cars with acrylic maybe, but newer cars unfortunately not