hey guys i have been looking through websites and stuff but i cant seem to find a straight anser to my question and was hoping you guys could help me out here. i recently got my timing belt replaced on my 93 gsi integra and then got the water pump changed a week after that. but, i realised that since the water pump replacement, the timing belt cover was hitting against the timing belt. anyways, i got that fixed a week after because i was just bone broke. but that was all about a month ago and tonight was the unluckiest night of my life. i was driving back after buying a new set of rims, on the way back, my car died. i just had enough speed to pull over safely and check what was wrong. i couldnt find anything that was wrong with it. so my last hope was the RAA. they came and checked and finally found that apparently my timing belt snapped. so i reckon it was the timing belt cover hitting the timing belt, made it really weak and worn i guess.

so now to the real question, i am thinking of swapping it into a b18c2. i dont have unlimited funds like most of you guys here. so i was wondering if you guys could give me some advice wheter this is worth it or not. cause from what i heard to get this conversion done, i will need

the motor, gearbox, ecu, loom, suspensions (front), driveshaft. is that right? do i really need all of these? is it possible for me to use my current gearbox? since it is fairly healthy still. please help guys. would really appreciate it.