Sorry, figured I wouldn't steal jdm-derek's thread on this forum :3

So, I've got a 1500 engine, and I'm putting a 1200 turbo in it from a completely different car (1200 turb is from a city turbo1, my car is a first gen civic) That would need an engineering cert, yeah? Or being tas, would it just be a matter of getting a mod plate, putting what's happened on that, and rolling? or would I need to get it fully engineered and mod plated and all that crap to get it registered?
I figure I may as well get it fully legal, so I don't get pulled over by the cops, and get defected. I do plan to get the beast pretty low, have a bit more track, and such.

So yeah, anybody know the rools for tas, or just general rools?

Engine leaving is an ec motor, engine coming in is an er-t (I think... really should double check >.>) just in case anybody needed those points.
Engine bay space should be fine, since my civic is a long nose model. Already done the research on all that end.