SMIDSY stands for Sorry Mate I Didn't See You. This is a campaign to increase driver awareness of motorcyclists on our roads and to make driving safer for everyone.

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Have you experienced SMIDSY?

SMIDSY or Sorry Mate, I Didn’t See You, is a term Lawyers4Riders, based at Maurice Blackburn, have heard time and again through our work with hundreds of motorcyclists. Many have had their life changed forever because of the failure of other road users to pay adequate attention when driving.

There is an assumption by the authorities and much of the media that motorcyclists cause or contribute to their own injuries through reckless driving. The reality is often very different. The lack of awareness from motorists is often the cause. Motorcyclists are legitimate road users and have the same rights as everybody else on our roads.

“SMIDSY allows people to abdicate responsibility for poor driving performance by implying the incident was either some ‘act of God’ and therefore beyond their control, or the responsibility must lie with the other party who clearly was doing something that rendered them impossible to see. It’s a handy ‘got out of jail free’ card.”