Hi guys,
Just need some input or advice regarding this clutch kit.
I have installed a 1.5 stage competition clutch + competition lightweight flywheel recently.

Clutch has been driven over 4000kms, so its definitely bedded in.

The issue im having atm is that my friction point is constantly shifting and my mechanic had to adjust the pedal travel several times.

And last weekend it decided to shit itself, felt a strong click through the clutch when i pressed it, and from then on it wouldnt get into gear or let me change gear at all.

This morning i took my car to the mechanics to have a look at it and he adjusted the pedal travel again. althuogh the gear shift feels a little rough i can change gears and drive fine.

He reckons the build quality of the clutch isnt the greatest.

What are your opinions? or what might be wrong with this clutch?

any help or input would be great!

btw its a 2003 cl9