Who is running an aftermarket computer?
I would be saying most of us are..
Fuel stations are selling fuel (e85) which a car would need to be retuned or modified to be able to use it.
Quantities of Cars being modified to use this fuel must be high for a fuel station to allocate a pump for this fuel..

I would like Us, Ozhonda fans to use this thread to start a data base of who to see and the exact process to get our cars legit and to be able to stop the harassment by enforcement.

We need to work together on this issue.!!!!!!!!

Im thinking that when the information comes in it will prove to be such a drawn out process with costs so prohibitive that to get things passed is almost impossible. I was hoping to pass on this info to the people who should get on board, such as other car bodies and clubs.

When a Ferrari can have a variable exhaust but it is deemed to be illegal for others.
Exhaust Db of cars enforced, when such cars as the s2000 db reading from the factory is over what we can be booked for ( only over by 1 db)

When you think about it, Cop cars are modified..

The laws are killing the Motorsport scene ( as well as the economy ) so if we all give up, tracks will close and Motorsport will stop..

We all ready have extraordinary track fees which are a joke considering the millions spent on wasted tv commercials which could be used to subsidize the track fees and keep our tracks running.

The allocation of manpower to bust someone for a K and N filter is mind boggling.
When there is ex taxi cabs on our roads which have traveled a million km and no good to be a cab but are ok for people to drive around in? These ex yellow cars frequent my area and are so stuffed usually travel with a very bad crab stance cause the chassis is bent and are never defected.

So sorry for the rant but I feel some motivation is needed for us to work together and use this thread to get all info together.

My goal is to enable us to obtain that piece of paper that no enthusiastic enforcement officer can over rule and still give us a fine.

Most of us need mods approved.

Lets start with the computer

Aftermarket computer
I want to be environmental and use e85 ,,how can I get this approved with spending what my car costs or is it possible. I would love to use one of the flex fuel sensors and aftermarket computer and get my car legal and .. Keep my mods legal..

Who has passed the EPA test with a turbo Honda or other mod Ed car which requires a computer?

I will amend this post with the details you supply

Who turned car
Engineering company used
Where was it tested
Cost of tests and fees
Mods approved, eg, computer, turbo, quad throttle, etc

Please help me with this and let's work together and share info with each other so we can revive being able to drive our cars..

I hope to have got all my facts correct and I am happy to be corrected.